Electronic and photonic materials (EFM)

Research in electronic and photonic materials is focused on the development of organic electronics for energy conversion and storage.

In particular we study organic photovoltaics and biopolymer based electrodes, and the combination of biological macromolecules with synthetic conjugated polymers for supramolecular materials assembly.

Research at Electronic and photonic materials

Doctoral education

More about our research

photo of Dr. Max Karlsson

Double awarded thesis in a highly relevant topic

Max Karlsson, who obtained his PhD from the Department of physics, chemistry and biology at Linköping University, has been doubly recognised for his thesis on the dynamics of blue-emitting metal halide perovskites for light-emitting diodes.

From the lab to a commercial product – a long and difficult road

Researchers at Linköping University are working to create the material for the solar cells of the future. The goal is to produce a commercially viable product. An interdisciplinary research project is to try to find out what it takes.

Postdoctor Rui Zhang in the laboratory

Solar cell material can assist self-driving cars in the dark

Material used in organic solar cells can be used as light sensors in electronics. This is shown by researchers at LiU who have developed a type of sensor able to detect circularly polarised red light. Their study is published in Nature Photonics.



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