Functional Electronic Materials

Photo tool in lab
Photographer: Peter Modin

In the Functional Electronic Materials unit, we conduct scientific research on state-of-the-art functional materials and nanostructures for next-generation electronic and photonic devices.

nanostructures, spintronic materials, perovskites Our aim is to obtain a better understanding of the fundamental physical properties of novel, functional materials, to manage a precise control of the material properties, and to fully explore the functionality of the studied materials for applications in future generation micro- and nano-electronics and photonics as well as in potential multifunctional devices and systems. In our research, we currently focus on a few main areas: novel spintronic materials, highly mismatched semiconductor nanostructures, complex perovskite materials and organic semiconductor materials.

We conduct our research by means of a large array of state-of-the-art optical, magneto-optical and spin-resonance spectroscopic equipment, and in close collaboration with researchers world-wide.

Career and Education

Yuttapoom Puttisong and Jan Eric Stehr. Photographer: Ulrik Svedin

Career possibilities and Master students

Work with us?
We continuously look for highly motivated postdoc researchers in optical or/and spin-resonance spectroscopy of advanced semiconductors including lead-free double perovskites and III-V nanostructures. Those who are interested are encouraged to contact Prof. Weimin Chen

Master’s student?
We currently have the possibility to accept one or two master’s students to perform their thesis work in our research group. If you are interested, please contact Mattias Jansson.

Highlights at Functional Electronic Materials

Chart of SHG/SFG wavelength och Nanowire lasing wavelength

Efficient lasers at the nanoscale

In this study, Mattias Jansson and collaborators have investigated how the localization of excitons in tiny lasers fabricated in so-called nanowire structures can affect their performance.

upcycling of light at the nanoscale

Upcycling of light at the nanoscale

In this paper by Mattias Jansson and collaborators, they demonstrate how a semiconductor nanowire can efficiently absorb low energy light and convert it to light of a higher energy, a process which is called energy upconversion.

transparent image, place holder

Spin injection and helicity control of surface spin photocurrent in a three dimensional topological insulator

In this paper, we show how a spin current can be injected from a conventional semiconductor, such as GaAs, to a topological insulator, Bi2Te3.

Anomalously strong second-harmonic generation in GaAs nanowires via crystal-structure engineering

Anomalously strong second-harmonic generation in GaAs nanowires via crystal-structure engineering

In this work, we demonstrate highly efficient second-harmonic generation in subwavelength wurtzite (WZ) GaAs NWs, reaching 2.5x10-5 W-1 that is about 7 times higher than that of their zincblende counterpart.

Gränssnitt mellan elektronspinn och fotoner baserade på nano-pelare av halvledarmaterial ger en hög polarisation vid rumstemperatur

Room-temperature polarized spin-photon interface based on a semiconductor nanodisk-in-nanopillar structure driven by few defects

We demonstrate high optical polarization inferring high electron spin polarization at room temperature in a 1D system.

Near-Infrared Lasing at 1 μm from a Dilute-Nitride-Based Multishell Nanowire

Near-Infrared Lasing at 1 μm from a Dilute-Nitride-Based Multishell Nanowire

In this study, we demonstrate the NIR lasing at 1 μm from GaAs/GaNAs/GaAs core/shell/cap dilute nitride nanowires with only 2.5% nitrogen.



Mattias Jansson, Satoshi Hiura, Junichi Takayama, Akihiro Murayama, Fumitaro Ishikawa, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova (2025) Dynamics of Strongly Localized Excitons in GaAs/GaAsBi Core/Shell Nanowires The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 129, p. 4456-4463 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Satoshi Hiura, Saeko Hatakeyama, Mattias Jansson, Junichi Takayama, Irina Buyanova, Weimin Chen, Akihiro Murayama (2025) Room-temperature spin-conserved electron transport to semiconductor quantum dots using a superlattice barrier Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Natachai Terawatsakul, Alireza Saberkari, Yuttapoom Puttisong, Morgan Madec (2025) Scaling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with Integrated Planar Coil and Transceiver Front-End: Co-Design Considerations Electronics, Vol. 14, Article 398 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Kunpot Mopoung, Weihua Ning, Muyi Zhang, Fuxiang Ji, Kingshuk Mukhuti, Hans Engelkamp, Peter C. M. Christianen, Utkarsh Singh, Johan Klarbring, Sergei I. Simak, Igor A. Abrikosov, Feng Gao, Irina A Buyanova, Weimin Chen, Yuttapoom Puttisong (2024) Understanding Antiferromagnetic Coupling in Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskite Semiconductors The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 128, p. 5313-5320 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mattias Jansson, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova (2024) Exciton localization and dynamics in GaNAsP nanowires Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 135, Article 044303 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Kunpot Mopoung, Anna Dávid, Xianjie Liu, Mats Fahlman, Irina Buyanova, Weimin Chen, Yuttapoom Puttisong (2024) Spin Centers in Vanadium-Doped Cs<sub>2</sub>NaInCl<sub>6</sub> Halide Double Perovskites ACS Materials Letters, Vol. 6, p. 566-571 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jan Eric Stehr, Mattias Jansson, S. J. Pearton, J. S. McCloy, J. Jesenovec, B. L. Dutton, M. D. McCluskey, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova (2024) Color center in ß-Ga2O3 emitting at the telecom range Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 124, Article 042104 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mattias Jansson, Valentyna Nosenko, Yuto Torigoe, Kaito Nakama, Mitsuki Yukimune, Akio Higo, Fumitaro Ishikawa, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova (2024) High-Performance Multiwavelength GaNAs Single Nanowire Lasers ACS Nano, Vol. 18, p. 1477-1484 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Fuxiang Ji, Johan Klarbring, Bin Zhang, Feng Wang, Linqin Wang, Xiaohe Miao, Weihua Ning, Muyi Zhang, Xinyi Cai, Babak Bakhit, Martin Magnuson, Xiaoming Ren, Licheng Sun, Mats Fahlman, Irina A Buyanova, Weimin Chen, Sergei I Simak, Igor A. Abrikosov, Feng Gao (2024) Remarkable Thermochromism in the Double Perovskite Cs2NaFeCl6 Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 12, Article 2301102 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Fuxiang Ji, Bin Zhang, Weimin Chen, Irina A Buyanova, Feng Wang, Gerrit Boschloo (2024) Amine Gas‐Induced Reversible Optical Bleaching of Bismuth‐Based Lead‐Free Perovskite Thin Films Advanced Science, Vol. 11, Article 2306391 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Our facilities at Functional Electronic Materials

Optical and magneto-optical spectroscopy (2-300 K, 0-10 T, UV-IR)

  • CW photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy
  • CW PL excitation (PLE) spectroscopy
  • Time-resolved fs-ps laser spectroscopy
  • Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) absorption and emission
  • Micro-PL and micro-Raman spectroscopy

Spin resonance spectroscopy (2-300 K)

  • CW and pulsed electron spin resonance (ESR) (9, 35 and 95 GHz)
  • CW and time-resolved optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) (9, 35 and 95 GHz)
  • Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and OD-ENDOR (9 GHz)
  • ESR imaging (1 and 9 GHz)

Cyclotron resonance (2-300 K, 9, 35 and 95 GHz)

  • Cyclotron resonance spectroscopy (CR)
  • Optically detected CR (ODCR)

Advanced STM/AFM microscopy/spectroscopy
(UHV, 9-300 K, vector-rotating magnet up to 4 T, optical and microwave access)

  • STM/AFM microscopy
  • Spin-polarized STM • Magnetic force microscopy

Raman spectroscopy (6-300 K, 0-5 T, UV-IR, micrometer resolution)

  • Electronic Raman spectroscopy
  • Structural Raman spectroscopy

Nano 3D-printer

  • Meniscus-guided 3D-printer for nanoscale additive manufacturing

SIMARC - Swedish Interdisciplinary Magnetic Resonance Center

