Photo of Aliaksei Kazlou

Aliaksei Kazlou

Associate Professor

My research focuses on immigrant entrepreneurship, establishment of immigrants on labour market, policy changes and contextual influence on organisational change.


I am currently doing research on immigrant entrepreneurship and employment of immigrants in different industries. My major streams of research are: contextual influences on entrepreneurship, organisational dynamics (entry, exit, and growth of new organizations) and influence of Meso- and Macro level factors on entrepreneurial activities, regional entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance.  

I am the author of peer-reviewed articles, books, and reports on these or related topics. Practical and policy implication of this research are derived in the form of case studies and articles for public debate. 

I am actively reviewing articles for such journals as Small Business Economics, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, International Migration, Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.



Aliaksei Kazlou, Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg (2024) Trade unions, refugees and immigrant labour: Has the attitude changed? The stance of Swedish blue‐collar trade unions as evidenced by sentiment analysis Industrial relations journal (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Aliaksei Kazlou, Susanne Urban (2023) Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs International migration (Geneva. Print), Vol. 61, p. 87-106 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Aliaksei Kazlou, Karl Wennberg (2023) How kinship resources alleviate structural disadvantage: self-employment duration among refugees and labor migrants Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 17, p. 16-45 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Aliaksei Kazlou, Timur Uman (2021) Näringspolitiska insatser för utrikes födda entreprenörer och deras externa effekter på andra politiska områden


Aliaksei Kazlou (2019) Immigrant entrepreneurs in a changing institutional context: a mixed embeddedness approach

