
Ana Maria Carrasco Del Amor

Principal Research Engineer

My research is focused in direct detection of drug-protein interactions in living cells with the use of proteomic techniques


I have a wide background in mass spectrometry, biotechnology, microbiology and metabolomics

I held my PhD in the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) under the supervision of Professor Aguayo expert in plant biotechnology and food microbiology and safety and Dr. Ángel Gil Izquierdo expert in metabolomics, food chemistry and oxidative stress biomarkers.

My PhD defended in 2016 has been based in biomarkers of oxidative stress in plants when I used a new methodology based to the identification and quantification of these bio compounds in UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS.

Despite that I was working in a full time company, my notorious results have been the first ever published about these compounds in almonds and nuts. During PhD I published three papers in prestigious journals listed on the first quartile of the journal citation reports and presented main results in four national and international conferences.



Verónica Lizano Fallas, Anna Carrasco del Amor, Susana Cristobal (2024) Predictive toxicology of chemical mixtures using proteome-wide thermal profiling and protein target properties Chemosphere, Vol. 364, Article 143228 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Filippo Spriano, Giulio Sartori, Jacopo Sgrignani, Laura Barnabei, Alberto J. Arribas, Matilde Guala, Ana Maria Carrasco Del Amor, Meagan R. Tomasso, Chiara Tarantelli, Luciano Cascione, Gaetanina Golino, Maria E. Riveiro, Roberta Bortolozzi, Antonio Lupia, Francesco Paduano, Samuel Huguet, Keyvan Rezai, Andrea Rinaldi, Francesco Margheriti, Pedro Ventura, Greta Guarda, Giosue Costa, Roberta Rocca, Alberto Furlan, Luuk M. Verdonk, Paolo Innocenti, Nathaniel I. Martin, Giampietro Viola, Christoph Driessen, Emanuele Zucca, Anastasios Stathis, Digvijay Gahtory, Maurits van den Nieuwboer, Beat Bornhauser, Stefano Alcaro, Francesco Trapasso, Susana Cristobal, Shae B. Padrick, Natalina Pazzi, Franco Cavalli, Andrea Cavalli, Eugenio Gaudio, Francesco Bertoni (2024) A first-in-class Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein activator with antitumor activity in hematologic cancers Haematologica, Vol. 109, p. 3602-3614 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Veronica Lizano Fallas, Ana Maria Carrasco Del Amor, Susana Cristobal (2023) Prediction of Molecular Initiating Events for Adverse Outcome Pathways Using High-Throughput Identification of Chemical Targets Toxics, Vol. 11, Article 189 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Emmanuel Berlin, Veronica Lizano Fallas, Ana Maria Carrasco Del Amor, Olatz Fresnedo, Susana Cristobal (2023) Nonionic Surfactants can Modify the Thermal Stability of Globular and Membrane Proteins Interfering with the Thermal Proteome Profiling Principles to Identify Protein Targets Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 95, p. 4033-4042 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ana Maria Carrasco Del Amor, Rene Hernandez Bautista, Siegfried Ussar, Susana Cristobal, Ralph Urbatzka (2023) Insights into the mechanism of action of the chlorophyll derivative 13-2-hydroxypheophytine a on reducing neutral lipid reserves in zebrafish larvae and mice adipocytes European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 960, Article 176158 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
