The Division of Cell and Neurobiology (CNB)

The Division of Cell and Neurobiology at Linköping University is a dynamic and innovative environment where two prominent divisions, cell biology and neurobiology, have merged.

With approximately 100 dedicated employees under the leadership of Head of Division Anita Öst and Head of Unit Johan Brask, we strive to create an inspiring and supportive environment for all our co-workers.

Here we conduct research on both the structure and function of various cells as well as the nervous system and sensory organs. The research involves everything from genetic and molecular studies to studies of cell communication, how cells build up tissues and organisms, functions of ion channels in different types of cells, as well as how various neuronal systems, such as hearing, vision, and touch, are organized and function. We also investigate the mechanisms behind degenerative diseases in the central nervous system.

By understanding these processes, the goal of our research is to eventually find ways to prevent, diagnose and cure diseases both at the cellular level and within the nervous system and sensory organs.

The division is also involved in teaching in medical and biomedical undergraduate and master’s programs. We also conduct doctoral education and post-doctoral education.

Further down on this page, you can find more information about our division and our co-workers.


Person (Peter Larsson) infront of a microscope.

Existing drug can repair ion channel linked to epilepsy

Mutated variants of a particular ion channel cause difficult-to-treat epilepsy. A study published in the journal Nature now shows that a commonly used anaesthetic drug, propofol, can restore the function of this ion channel.

Researchers in a lab.

Boosted nano material to secure hip implant

Cellular biologist Anna Fahlgren has  teamed up with materials scientist Emma Björk. Together, they will use nano materials that may contribute to a better healing process and faster recovery for the patient.

Researcher Antonios Pantazis sits in his office and shows his 3D model of ion channels in different colors.

Antonios Pantazis channels his passion for ion channels

Antonios Pantazis has recently been awarded the prestigious Swedish Fernström Prize for his work on ion channels. His lab aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms of ion channels and their role in various diseases, such as epilepsy and arrhythmias.


Medium teaser image to the Pantazis Lab at BKV.

Pantazis Laboratory of Cellular Excitability – PaLaCE

In the Pantazis Laboratory of Cellular Excitability - PaLaCE, we employ cutting-edge experimental and computational approaches to understand how the intricate structure of ion channels relates to their function.

Molecular physiology of voltage-gated ion channels.

Molecular physiology of voltage-gated ion channels

Voltage-gated ion channels are key players in all biological systems where they generate and modulate for instance the nervous impulse and pacemaker activity in the heart and the brain.

Inside a hamster ear.

Auditory neuroscience group

To study the function of these stereocilia, the research group has developed a new type of confocal microscope that makes it possible to directly observe sound-evoked motion.

