
Anders Neergaard


My research focuses on power, inequality and resistance as well as social movements and working life. Racialisation and racism are central, but also in intersection with class and gender. Teacher, tutor and guest lecturer. Director of REMESO.

Power, Inequality, Racisms and Resistance

Why and in what ways is inequality created in working life? Why are radical right-wing and racist parties growing in Sweden and Europe? How is solidarity created between workers and why do trade unions find it difficult to represent workers with a foreign background? What is the connection between antifeminism, anti-environment and racism? My research focuses on power, inequality, resistance and social movements especially linked to discrimination, racism and racism, but also class and gender.

My research spans several different fields.

One is research on working life, recruitment and working life careers with a focus on ethnicity / racialization, class and gender. What creates and reproduces inequality - especially discrimination and what is the importance of social capital in working life?

Another field concerns political sociology with a focus on radical right-wing and racist movements and parties. How are new movements and parties in Europe creating new forms of political racism? Who participates in these parties and movements? Can women become active despite the antifeminist policies of these movements? Can people with a foreign background be included despite their racism, policies against migrants and immigration? What is the connection between antifeminism, anti-environment and racism?

A third field concerns collective organization - especially the intersection between class and ethnicity / racialization, but also gender. Here, my interest is especially directed at how migrant workers organize themselves collectively, especially in trade unions but also through migrant organizations. What visions do unions have for the future? How do they view representation? What are the worldviews of male union representatives with a Swedish background?

Fourthly, iIn Sweden of today the rhetoric of and on migrants has become the vernacular in which racialization and race is talked about. In this line I am doing research on issues concerning solidarities and deservingness focussing on migrants, migrant advocates and street level bureaucrats.

I am also involved in research on the Third World and the North-South relationship, based on political sociology and postcolonial perspectives. Here the linkage between global economic inequalities and global race formation is in focus.

Director of the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO)

I am the director of REMESO and responsible for the steering group for research. I am also active as a supervisor in the doctoral program and as a teacher at the undergraduate level.

Ongoing research projects

Here you can find the ongoing projects that I participate in


Social and cultural analysis (SKA BA)
International master's program in ethnicity and migration studies (EMS MA)
Postgraduate education and supervision in ethnicity and migration



Minoo Alinia, Sarah Hamed, Domino Kai, Jasmine Kelekay, Michael McEachrane, Maribel Morey, Paula Mulinari, Anders Neergaard (2025) Coloniality, whiteness and systematic racism in Sweden: an email conversation Decolonial Sweden, p. 195-214 (Chapter in book)


Minoo Alinia, Sarah Hamed, Domino Kai, Jasmine Kelekay, Michael McEachrane, Maribel Morey, Paula Mulinari, Anders Neergaard (2024) Coloniality, whiteness and systemic racism in Sweden: An email conversation Decolonial Sweden, p. 195-214 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Paula Mulinari, Anders Neergaard (2024) The Power of Silence: Variations in the Reproduction of Racial Capitalism Among White Male-dominated Trade Unions in Sweden Decolonial Sweden, p. 145-172 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Karin Krifors, Hansalbin Sältenberg, Diana Mulinari, Anders Neergaard (2024) I stället för avslutning: Antirasismer som hopp i mörka tider Antirasismer och antirasister: Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter, p. 484-490 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Diana Mulinari, Anders Neergaard (2024) LO, nyliberalism och framväxten av ett etnorasistiskt Sverige: Är en facklig antirasism möjlig? Antirasismer och antirasister: Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter, p. 298-335 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Karin Krifors, Hansalbin Sältenberg, Diana Mulinari, Anders Neergaard (2024) Introduktion: Från rasism till antirasism(er) Antirasismer och antirasister: Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter, p. 8-37 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Diana Mulinari, Anders Neergaard (2024) "Att ställa sin kropp i täten": Spöken, rasifierade aktivister och antirasistisk mobilisering i Sverige Antirasismer och antirasister: Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter, p. 416-443 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI

Research on migration, ethnicity and society

