
Anna-Maria Waldh


Contact person for special needs students at Medical Library


I am the contact person for special needs students at Medical Library. I assist students with dyslexia, impaired sight or other print impairment to get access to talking books and specialized computer software to facilitate their studies.

I am also a member of the Library’s Acquisitions Team. The team handles required reading literature and purchase suggestions. We also manage collections. My other tasks are cataloguing and customer service at Medical Library’s enquiry desk and the online reference service “Ask the library”.



Christina Brage, Emma Burman, Anna Maria Waldh (2016) PEER OBSERVATION OF TEACHING IN A LIBRARY SETTING: A PILOT STUDY ICERI2016 Proceedings 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain. 14-16 November, 2016, p. 6827-6832 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI