
Anna Yström

Senior Associate Professor

My research centers on managing and organizing of innovative work across organizational boundaries in settings that are more or less temporary.



Anna Yström, Alexander Gorgijevski, Solmaz Filiz Karabag, Thomas Magnusson, Viktor Werner, Karin Wigger (2024) En hållbar processindustri? Strategier för att navigera mot grön omställning MGMT of Innovation and Technology (Article in journal)
Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström (2024) Understanding 'in-between spaces' for collaborative innovation: Elucidating the plurality of relationships in three interrelated spaces Research on the Sociology of Organizations (Chapter in book)
Elinor Särner, Anna Yström, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Prospective Sensemaking in the Front End of Innovation of AI Projects Research technology management, Vol. 67, p. 72-83 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elinor Särner, Anna Yström, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Utilizing AI in prospective sensemaking for desired futures: outlining near- and distant-future sensemaking in complex system development
Viktor Werner, Karin Wigger, Anna Yström, Solmaz Filiz Karabag, Thomas Magnusson (2024) Navigating ambidextrous programs towards net-zero emissions: Evidence from a Swedish process industry firm


My research centers on managing and organizing of innovative work across organizational boundaries in settings that are more or less temporary. 

More specifically, from an organizational behavior perspective, my research explores the human side of engaging in inter-organizational collaboration for innovation, often from a collaboration-centric perspective (as opposed to firm-centric). To that end I have studied issues such as managerial practices and roles, organizing principles, , boundary-spanning, processes and practices of knowledge creation and capture, organizational creativity, and design methods supporting collaboration.

I have extensive experience of conducting research projects in close collaboration with practitioners (so called collaborative or action research).

I publish my research in journals such as R&D management, Creativity and Innovation Management, Journal of Applied Behavioral Psychology, and International Journal of Innovation Management.


My teaching, primarily on Master's level, centers around the topics of Innovation management and Organisation & Leadership (Organizational Behavior).

  • TEIO90 Innovationsledning
  • TEIO13 Ledarskap och förändring
  • TEIO47 Industriell Projektledning
  • TEIO07 Avancerad Projektorganisation
