
Bijona Troqe

PhD student

I study artificial intelligence (AI) and decision-making in healthcare, in situations where both humans and AI are involved. The goal is to highlight opportunities and contribute to a better understanding of future decision-making processes.

Human-AI decision-making in complex contexts

Exploring combinations between humans and AI solutions in decision-making processes

Decision-making in organizations is changing. Due to unprecedented societal shifts organizations of today find themselves in increasingly complex contexts, trying to make better, faster and more purposeful decisions.

The integration of new methods in organizational decision-making processes, most prominently machine learning and forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are fundamentally transforming how people and organizations make daily decisions. The transformation will likely be inherently volatile at certain stages and lead to a more ambiguous decision-making environment with a more open collaborative landscape with multiple stakeholders.

The purpose of my research is to explore new implications for organizational decision-making with AI, where decision-making becomes reliant on a degree of human-AI collaboration.

The empirical context of this research is the field of personalized medicine where application of AI solutions has made substantial advances in diagnosis, prognosis and patient health monitoring. Through my research, I have had the opportunity to dive into a diverse array of contexts where AI is being tested and implemented in Sweden, including breast cancer screening, pharmaceutical development and heart failure readmission.

My research is part of the national WASP-HS initiative and part of the NICER research group. For more information, please read "The Emergence of Complex Intelligent Systems and the Future of Management".

Research group



Bijona Troqe, Gunnar Holmberg, Nicolette Lakemond (2024) Making decisions with AI in complex intelligent systems Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations, p. 160-178 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Bijona Troqe, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) From Half-Truths to Situated Truths: Exploring Situatedness in Human-AI Collaborative Decision-Making in the Medical Context Journal of Competences, Strategy and Management, Vol. 12, p. 1-16 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Bijona Troqe (2021) Exploring new facets of decision making in complex intelligent systems ISPIM Conference Proceedings; Manchester, (2021) (Conference paper)

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