
Caroline Lindholm

Senior Research Coordinator

Research Coordinator in Organic Bioelectronics, Laboratory of Organic Electronics.


From cells to chickens and back again

Caroline Lindholm is a research coordinator and acting in-house biologist in the Organic Bioelectronics group at the Laboratory for Organic Electronics.

She received her MSc and PhD degrees from the Institution for Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at LiU. During her MSc project, she knocked down expression of the signaling molecule ERK in cultured chicken heart cells as a model of heart size evolution in birds. For her PhD she moved to whole animals, and studied the welfare implications of intermittent fasting practices in commercially reared broiler breeder chickens, receiving a PhD in Zoology (Physiology) in 2019.

In 2020, she joined the Organic Bioelectronics group, where she is responsible for a lot of the cell lab activities and supports various projects from a biological perspective.



Hanne Biesmans, Alex Bersellini Farinotti, Tobias Abrahamsson, Katriann Arja, Caroline Lindholm, Xenofon Strakosas, Jennifer Gerasimov, Daniel Simon, Camilla I. Svensson, Chiara Musumeci, Magnus Berggren (2024) From synthetic vesicles to living cells: Anchoring conducting polymers to cell membrane Science Advances, Vol. 10, Article eadr2882 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Caroline Lindholm, Jordi Altimiras (2023) Physiological and behavioral effects of intermittent fasting vs daily caloric restriction in meat-type poultry Animal, Vol. 17, Article 100849 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Diana Priyadarshini, Chiara Musumeci, David Bliman, Tobias Abrahamsson, Caroline Lindholm, Mikhail Vagin, Xenofon Strakosas, Roger Olsson, Magnus Berggren, Jennifer Y. Gerasimov, Daniel T. Simon (2023) Enzymatically Polymerized Organic Conductors on Model Lipid Membranes Langmuir, Vol. 39, p. 8196-8204 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Xenofon Strakosas, Hanne Biesmans, Tobias Abrahamsson, Karin Hellman, Malin Silverå Ejneby, Mary Donahue, Peter Ekstrom, Fredrik Ek, Marios Savvakis, Martin Hjort, David Bliman, Mathieu Linares, Caroline Lindholm, Eleni Stavrinidou, Jennifer Gerasimov, Daniel Simon, Roger Olsson, Magnus Berggren (2023) Metabolite-induced in vivo fabrication of substrate-free organic bioelectronics Science, Vol. 379, p. 795-802 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Caroline Lindholm, Petros Batakis, Jordi Altimiras, John Lees (2022) Intermittent fasting induces chronic changes in the hepatic gene expression of Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus) BMC Genomics, Vol. 23, Article 304 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

