
Cecilia Åsberg


My research push the envelope of Gender, Nature, Culture. What counts as natural (not human-made) and as properly human in a world of technoscience and environmental change? And who/what gets humanized or dehumanized in the process?

What counts as natural in an all too human world of environmental and climate change, species extinction, toxic embodiment, pharmaceutical pollution and plastics in the oceans? What counts as human in a high-tech, high-energy and hyper-instrumentalized society with AI-art, synthetic biology, IVF-babies and digital citizens? In the field of gender, nature, culture, I investigate existential, ethical and more-than-human problems that are raised by our post-natural times.

The cultural technologies of gender, race and empire drive much of the present crises, now and in the past. Everyday algorithms reproduce and multiply our cultural biases on a global scale. To deal with the ecological, technological and democratic challenges of our all too human condition, I bring feminist posthumanities into practice across arts, sciences and society. This means I often flip the script dictating that the humanities (history, literature, anthropology) “do” culture, while science do nature, engineering practical applications or site-specific solutions, medicine “do” the body, art do collective imagination, society simply receive scientific insight, philosophy do theory and abstract concepts to think with (for the few). Not me. Not my multi-skilled co-researchers either. To meet the challenges of the now, and of the future, I believe we need more cooperation, collaboration and integrative knowledge practices than that. We need the development of versatile arts of living on a messed-up planet. My research in the field of gender, nature, culture responds with practices of posthumanities, arts of sustainability, citizen science and more-than-human humanities for the technologies and ecologies of the now.

Since the late 1990s, I have pioneered and been part of the development of very interdisciplinary gender research (2005 I defended the first Gender Studies dissertation in Sweden, on genetics and science in culture) and diverse feminist posthumanities, such as techno-, bio-, oceanic-, citizen- and environmental humanities. In 2008 I founded The Posthumanities Hub, and 2013 I founded the Swedish-international research program in environmental humanities, The Seed Box. I teach research practices across the arts and sciences, Gender and Sustainability, cultural studies of science and technology, feminist theory and environmental humanities.

My multi-university research group, The Posthumanities Hub, has been a lively feminist platform for PhD-training and postdoctoral careers, for various research projects, international networks, art and communication, guest researchers, natural and cultural scientists who meet across university, national and disciplinary boundaries. At The Posthumanities Hub, we create meetings for art, science, theory and society based on very interdisciplinary humanities of curiosity, creativity and critique.


Research projects



Petra Jääskeläinen, Cecilia Åsberg (2024) What's the Look of "Negative Gender" and "Max Ethnicity" in AI-Generated Images? A Critical Visual Analysis of the Intersectional Politics of Portrayal: https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3644057Petra Jääskeläinen and Cecilia Åsberg. 2024. What's the Look of "Negative Gender" and "Max Ethnicity" in AI-Generated Images? A Critical Visual Analysis of the Intersectional Politics of Portrayal. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 570, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3644057 Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 1-9, Article 570 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Petra Jaaskelainen, Cecilia Åsberg (2024) What's the Look of "Negative Gender" and "Max Ethnicity" in AI-Generated Images? A Critical Visual Analysis of the Intersectional Politics of Portrayal EXTENDED ABSTRACTS OF THE 2024 CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS, CHI 2024 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Cecilia Åsberg (2024) Posthumanities as Multispecies Tales: Storying Exposure UNESCO CHAR in Vulnerability Studies - University of Hyderabad Short Term Program:: UN Sustainable Development Goals, Precarity and Literary Studies (Conference paper)
Cecilia Åsberg (2024) Blue Humanities Reading Science: Eating at the Edge of the Sea SDGs, Precarity and Literary Studies: UNESCO CHAIR in Vulnerability Studies - University of Hyderabad (Conference paper)
Cecilia Åsberg (2024) Storying exposure with the transversal methods of ecocritique Contemporary ecocritical methods, p. 265-278 (Chapter in book)

