Photo of Charlotte Norrman

Charlotte Norrman

Senior Associate Professor

I am senior associate professor within the area of industrial organization. I love innovation and entrepreneurship – both in my research and in my role as teacher at LiU.

I am passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship!

Innovation and entrepreneurship are my main research interests. As a researcher, I started my career focusing on the development processes of new companies - how early-stage ideas develop.

I am an innovation and entrepreneurship researcher and have been since I started my PhD studies here at LiU in 2003. Over the years, I have worked with evaluation of policy initiatives, biomedical engineering innovation ideas and invention-driven innovation. I have also worked a lot with innovation and entrepreneurship in green industries and agriculture.

Right now, I work a lot with the combination of entrepreneurship/innovation, education and business development and how it can strengthen the regional innovation system and contribute to sustainable welfare in society.

Teaching innovation and entrepreneurship

I teach entrepreneurship, innovation and idea development mostly at the Faculty of Technology, but also at other parts of LiU, e.g. the Healthcare faculty. I am interested in pedagogy and especially experimentally oriented pedagogy that connects to entrepreneurship and what is called "challenge-based learning". This has a close connection to ECIU-university, the European educational initiative in which LiU is one of more than a dozen universities involved parties. Working internationally is fun and provides perspective and inspiration for development at home. I am also involved in the CDIO network and have written several conference papers presented at the annual CDIO conference.

Spread of knowledge

At my google scholar profile you can find examples of my work.

I also like to spread my findings and ideas orally, so contact me if you are interested in what I do.

Charlotte speaks about challenge based education at a seminar in Twente



Jeanette Engzell, Charlotte Norrman (2023) PODCASTS AS A LEARNING METHOD IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION SEFI 2023 - 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education: Engineering Education for Sustainability, Proceedings, p. 398-405 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Charlotte Norrman, Ali Moshfegh, Jeanette Engzell (2023) COMICIR - COMMERCIALIZATION OF INNOVATIVE CHALLENGES FROM INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH SEFI 2023 - 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education: Engineering Education for Sustainability, Proceedings, p. 1025-1033 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Lisa Blix Germundsson, Per Frankelius, Charlotte Norrman (2021) The role of innovation intermediary organisations in forming value creating meetings: the agri-food firm perspective International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 24, p. 993-1004 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Magnus Klofsten, Charlotte Norrman, Eduardo Cadorin, Hans Löfsten (2020) Support and development of small and new firms in rural areas: a case study of three regional initiatives SN Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, Article 110 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Dzamila Bienkowska, Charlotte Norrman (2019) New approaches of innovation support to inventors and idea owners


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