Susanne Engström, Pernilla Sundqvist, Charlotta Nordlöf, Claes Klasander
(2023) Approaches to industrial processes in technology textbooksVol. 1 No. October (2023): PATT40 ProceedingsPATT40 Liverpool 2023Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology Conference: Diverse Experiences of Design and Technology Education for a Contemporary and Pluralist Siciety
(Conference paper)
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Jonas Hallström, Charlotta Nordlöf, Per Norström, Konrad Schönborn
(2023) Authenticity in Integrated STEM Education - Boon or Fantasy?: Observing Upper Secondary Technology Classroom PracticePATT40 Liverpool 2023. Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology Conference: Diverse Experiences of Design and Technology Education for a Contemporary and Pluralist Society, p. 397-404
(Conference paper)