
Dimitris Michailakis

Professor Emeritus

Inclusion and exclusion in contemporary society; political steering; sociology of health and illness and disability studies

Dimitris Michailakis is professor of Sociology and holds the Chair in Social Welfare at Linköping University. 

Professor Michailakis received his B.A. from the University of Uppsala, and his Doctorate at the same university. He is the author of several books, articles in international journals and reports published by international organizations. He leads the research group TEFSA - Platform for Theory-driven Research in Social Work, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linköping University, Sweden.
Professor Michailakis have had missions for the UN, WHO and ILO, assignments for the Ministry of Social Affairs, as well as research on request of local authorities and research institutes. He has also participated in committees for evaluating sociology and social work departments of Greek universities. 

Areas of Interest

Inclusion and exclusion in contemporary society; political steering; sociology of health and illness and disability studies. The empirical research includes priorities in medical care, long-term sick leave, conflicting rationalities (legal, economic, political) in the shaping of social policy and disability studies.
Together with associate professor Wendelin Reich and associate professor Werner Schirmer he has applied systems theory in different research areas, as well as introduced key aspects of systems theory to Swedish and international audiences.



Dimitris Michailakis (2023) Τι ψηφίζετε όταν ψηφίζετε; Οι εκπλήξεις του συμβατικού κοινοβουλευτισμού Greek Politics Journal, Vol. 15 (Article in journal)
Dimitris Michailakis (2023) Ένταξη αλλοδαπών: μία διαφορετική προσέγγιση; Μία προς αποφυγή πρακτική: Η περίπτωση της Σουηδίας.: [Integration av invandrare: Ett alternativt betraktelsesätt?] Greek Politics Journal, Vol. 14 (Article in journal)
Jenny Gillingsjö, Anna Olaison, Dimitris Michailakis (2023) To be or not to be open in everyday life: the use of impression management strategies among older LGBTQ adults Relational Social Work, Vol. 7, p. 52-70 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Magnus Dahlstedt, Anna Lundberg, Dimitris Michailakis (2023) Inledning De sociala rättigheternas politik, p. 9-32 (Chapter in book)
Pia Kjellbom, Dimitris Michailakis (2023) Ett 'litet hjärtas' rättigheter - en mångfald av perspektiv De sociala rättigheternas politik, p. 67-84 (Chapter in book)

Selected publications

Education and academic positions

1981 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology, Uppsala University

1982 Postgraduate studies in Sociology, Uppsala University

1991-1992 Research Assistant for Prof. Tom R. Burns, Dept. of Sociology, Uppsala University

1992-1995 Faculty funded Ph.D. position Dept. of Sociology, Uppsala University

1995 Ph.D. in Sociology, Uppsala University

1995 Acting lecturer in sociology, Uppsala university
1995-1997 Consultant at UN (UNDP)

1997-1998 Senior Researcher at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Swedish Government)

2000 Assistant Professor in Sociology (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, four year scholarship)

2001 Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Gävle

2001 Associate professor in sociology, Uppsala University

2007 Professor in Sociology, University of Gävle

2011 Professor in Social Welfare, Linköping University