Photo of Edyta Just

Edyta Just

Associate Professor, Head of Unit, Docent

Edyta Just is associate professor (docent), senior lecturer and director and coordinator of InterGender Consortium and Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the Unit of Gender Studies, Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University, Sweden.

She is also a board member and a former co-chair of ATGENDER, The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation and a co-chair of the strand Feminist Pedagogies, Didactics and Education in the research field of Feminist Studies and Education of GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender Studies.

She holds degrees in political science (MA) from Lodz University, Poland and gender studies (PhD) from Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Field of expertise

  • Gender studies

  • Pedagogy

  • Philosophy

  • Cultural studies of science and technology and in particular of neuroscience




Edyta Just (2024) Horror & Life: Telling a Story in Order Not to Run Advances in Applied Sociology, Vol. 14, p. 201-214 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Edyta Just, Maria Udén, Vera Weetzel, Cecilia Åsberg (Editorship) (2023) Voices from Gender Studies. Negotiating the Terms of Academic Production, Epistemology, and the Logics and Contents of Identity
Edyta Just (2023) "I will Meet You at Twilight": On Subjectivity, Identity and Transnational Intersectional Feminist Research Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms: And Words Collide from a Place (Chapter in book)


Emilia Åkesson, Edyta Just, Katarina Eriksson (Barajas) (2022) Closer to and further away - emergency-remote teacher education, orientations and student-bodies Högre Utbildning, Vol. 12, p. 66-78 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Edyta Just (2021) Learning and Students' Experiences with Blended Education International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 10, p. 213-223 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research networks


Academic Degrees

Docent, Linköping University, Tema, Tema Genus

Ph.D. degree, Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Research Institute for
History and Culture, Faculty of Humanities
Doctoral Thesis: New Reproductive Assemblages: Understanding,
Managing and ‘Using’ Human In Vitro Fertilization (IVF),
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Rosi Braidotti, Prof. Dr. Rosemarie Buikema

Master degree, University of Lodz (Poland), American Studies, Gender and
Mass Media, Faculty of International and Political Studies
Master Thesis: Identity, Body and Gender under the Influence of New
Modern Technologies,
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elzbieta H. Oleksy,

Professional Affiliations

2012 – present
NeuroGenderings Network

2011 – present
ATGENDER, The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation

2008 – present
European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health

Board Member of Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights

Coordination & Participation

Scientific Projects

STINT Project, New Tools for Transnational Analysis in Postgraduate Intersectional Gender Research - Towards Long-Term International Collaborations in Doctoral and Postdoctoral Training, Tema Genus, Linköping University; The Bergen Centre for Women’s Studies (SKOK), Norway; Gender Studies, Central European University, Hungary; Gender Studies, University of Western Cape, South Africa.

ETICA Project, Ethical Issues of Emerging ICT Applications, European Commission, 7th EU Framework Program.

Acume 2 Thematic Network, Interfacing Science, Literature, and Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Subproject: Cultural Representations of Science and Technology, European Thematic Network Projects. 

ADVANCE Project, Advanced Training for Women in Scientific Research, European Commission, 6th EU Framework Program.

Athena 3 Thematic Network in European Women’s Studies, Working Group: Visual Culture, European Thematic Network Projects.

Teaching Experience

Teaching experience

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

  • Technobodies in Cyberspace
  • Body Zones

  • Lodz University, Poland

    • Feminist Theory. Between Difference and Diversity
    • Feminist Philosophy and Literature
    • Gender and Academic and Creative Writing
    • Gender and Welfare State, International Perspective
    • Political Campaigns in the Media
    • Science and Gender
    • Images of Women and Men in Visual Culture and Literature

    Teaching at LiU

    I coordinate and teach in the following courses

    • Career Paths and Professional Communication
    • Master Thesis in Gender Studies (15 ECTS) 
    • Masther Thesis in Gender Studies (30 ECTS).
    • Theories and Methodologies
    • Feminist Pedagogy and Intersectional Gender Didactics
    • Master Thesis in Gender Science

    I teach in the following courses

    • Introduction to Studies of Intersectional Gender at Advanced Level
    • Analysing Change
    • Science Communication and Critically Mediated Interventions
