
Elinor Särner

PhD student

I want to contribute to the understanding of how Artificial Intelligence can be purposefully integrated in society by studying how different actors in complex system relate to AI and how this influences their collaboration.


AI is increasingly integrated into our society also in complex systems that are important for our modern society to function, e.g. energy systems, healthcare systems etc.

​​While AI can be used in facing societal challenges as climate change and urbanization etc., it is also associated with uncertainties regarding the risks. Therefore, a greater understanding of how AI affects organizations is needed when AI is integrated, also in the complex systems that our modern society depends on.

In my research, I use a sensemaking perspective where I look at how actors jointly understand and create meaning of how AI contributes to future complex systems.

​​I also study how AI can influence the future-oriented, collective, sensemaking processes needed in the development of future systems in society, and what impact it can have on the organizations involved.



Elinor Särner, Anna Yström, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Prospective Sensemaking in the Front End of Innovation of AI Projects Research technology management, Vol. 67, p. 72-83 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elinor Särner, Anna Yström, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Utilizing AI in prospective sensemaking for desired futures: outlining near- and distant-future sensemaking in complex system development
Elinor Särner (2024) Development of AI-tools for making sense of future complex intelligent systems


Elinor Särner, Gunnar Holmberg, Nicolette Lakemond, Anna Yström (2021) Designing cockpit Human-Machine-Interaction: The role of boundary objects and expanded rationality

