Photo of Erik Berggren

Erik Berggren


Research Communication, Teaching and Seminar Activities

Research Dissemination

As Communications Manager at REMESO, and Collaboration Coordinator at ISV, I write articles about our research and arrange seminar and other events to disseminate knowledge.

I believe communicating research should entail putting oneself and knowledge at risk, therefore I work, beside writing, with events in which research is questioned and discussed, among researchers and with the public. At Campus Norrköping I run a few projects such as "Open Campus," in which the public can audit regular lectures, "Migra Movies" where we show movies related to migration issues  and invite researchers to introduce the films. "Ad Hoc" is a seminar series that ask researchers to elaborate their knowledge and findings in relation to current events in society - i.e. put the theories to work. I also teach in the Social and Cultural Analysis programme and in the Master for Ethnic and migration studies. 

In 2017 I will ber leading a research communication project where we work with exhibitions. An exhibition space will be set up - Lobby - and a few exhibitions shall be curated starting out from the current research situation. The project id financed by the Swedish research council FORMAS. 



Erik Berggren (Editorship) (2024) Migration and Culture


Erik Berggren (Editorship) (2023) Migration and democracy


Erik Berggren (Editorship) (2022) Master in Ethnic & Migration Studies: Migration from Ukraine


Erik Berggren (Editorship) (2021) The economy of inclusion, and exclusion


Asia Della Rosa, Chloe Lawson, Kenna Sim, Natasha Smith, Katerina Spathia, Erik Berggren, Anna Bredström (Editorship) (2020) Life During Covid-19: from Norrköping to the World


Erik Berggren (2019) Representation, Victimization or Identification. Negotiating Power and Powerlessness in Art on Migration Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge, Vol. 4, p. 113-136 Continue to DOI


Erik Berggren (2017) Absurt försvar för rasister Ska man tala med nazister?: debatten kring Bokmässan och Nya Tider, p. 245-247