
Fredrik Olofsson


I am an assistant lecturer with a profound desire to inspire and guide students through their academic and professional development. My goal is to establish a solid foundation for their further studies and professional careers in healthcare.


I am an assistant lecturer with a profound desire to inspire and guide students through their academic and professional development. With a background in both foundational and advanced teaching within the nursing program, I have had the privilege of observing students’ progress during the first two semesters of their education. My goal is to establish a solid foundation for their further studies and professional careers in healthcare.

At the advanced level, I teach specialized subjects, primarily in psychiatry, and strive to stimulate students’ critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills. My teaching philosophy is based on the belief that every student has potential, and I prefer a student-centered approach.



Rikard Wärdig, Fredrik Olofsson, Ann Catrine Eldh (2021) Conceptualizing patient participation in psychiatry: A survey describing the voice of patients in outpatient care Health Expectations, Vol. 24, p. 1443-1449 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
