Frida Svanholm

My research broadly concerns rehabilitation, work interventions, collaboration between stakeholders and digital support in rehabilitation.




Frida Svanholm, Mathilda Björk, Monika Lofgren, Björn Gerdle, Henrik Hedevik, Peter Molander (2023) Work Interventions Within Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Programs (IPRP) - Frequency, Patient Characteristics, and Association with Self-Rated Work Ability Journal of Pain Research, Vol. 16, p. 421-436 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Frida Svanholm (2023) Work Interventions in the Context of Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation
Frida Svanholm, Christina Turesson, Monika Loefgren, Mathilda Björk (2023) Acceptability of the eHealth Intervention Sustainable Worker Digital Support for Persons With Chronic Pain and Their Employers (SWEPPE): Questionnaire and Interview Study JMIR Human Factors, Vol. 10, Article e46878 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Frida Svanholm, Gunilla Liedberg, Monika Löfgren, Mathilda Björk (2022) Stakeholders experience of collaboration in the context of interdisciplinary rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain aiming at return to work Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. 44, p. 8388-8399 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Frida Svanholm, Gunilla Liedberg, Monika Lofgren, Mathilda Björk (2022) Factors of importance for return to work, experienced by patients with chronic pain that have completed a multimodal rehabilitation program - a focus group study Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. 44, p. 736-744 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
