
George Pavlidis

Assistant Professor

I am a graduate psychologist with a PhD in social gerontology. My research is located at the intersection of social gerontology and psychology, currently with a focus on loneliness and exclusion from social relations in older age.

Research at the intersection of social gerontology and psychology

I am conducting my work with a focus on adult development and ageing.

I am a graduate psychologist with a PhD in social gerontology, experienced in teaching (certified by HEA) in undergraduate and postgraduate level.

At LiU, I am conducting my work with a focus on social networks, loneliness, and exclusion in older age. I have been involved in many applied and research project, funded from national and international institutions.


I coordinate several courses in the Division of Ageing and social Change (ASC) and teach in other courses as well. Since 2022, I am study director in the ASC Division.


I am a board member of 50plus Hellas, a Greek organization that deals with issues of people older than 50.




George Pavlidis (2025) Gendered associations of situational and dispositional factors with exclusion from social relations and loneliness in older age Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 13, Article 1445662 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Axel Ågren, George Pavlidis (2023) Tabu att tala om ensamhet Äldre i Centrum, p. 74-76 (Article in journal)
Axel Ågren, George Pavlidis (2023) Sense-making of loneliness and exclusion from social relations among older adults in Sweden The Gerontologist, Vol. 63, p. 1140-1148 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Marcela Petrova Kafkova, Petr Fucik, Marja Aartsen, Thomas Hansen, Ruth Katz, Sigal Pearl Naim, George Pavlidis, Rodrigo Serrat, Feliciano Villar, Lucie Vidovicova (2023) Is There an Association Between Childhood Conditions and Exclusionfrom Social Relations in Later Life? Polish Sociological Review, Vol. 223, p. 369-393 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
George Pavlidis, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Marja Aartsen (2023) Exclusion from social relations in later life: on the gendered associations of social networks with mental wellbeing Aging & Mental Health, Vol. 27, p. 1313-1321 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

