Gissur Erlingsson
My main research interests are 1) corruption in mature democracies, specifically in developed welfare states, 2) local self-government and the organization of the local tier, and 3) local democracy and work conditions for councilors.
Curriculum vitae
Seleceted publications
- Erlingsson, Gissur Ó & Susanne Wallman Lundåsen (kommande). ”When State-level Institutions Cannot Tell the Whole Story: An Inquiry into the Variations of Municipal Quality of Government”, Governance – an International Journal of Policy Administrations and Institutions.
- Ödalen, Jörgen, Douglas Brommesson, Gissur Ó Erlingsson & Johan Karlsson Schaffer (2018). “Teaching University Teachers to Become Better Teachers: The Effects of Pedagogical Training Courses at Six Swedish Universities”, Higher Education Research and Development, early view online.
- Erlingsson, Gissur Ó, Jonas Linde & Richard Öhrvall (2016). “Distrust in Utopia? Public Perceptions of Corruption and Political Support in Iceland Before and after the Financial Crisis in 2008”, Government and Opposition, 51(4), 553–579.
- Erlingsson, Gissur Ó, Jörgen Ödalen & Erik Wångmar (2015). ”Understanding Large-Scale Institutional Change: Social Conflicts and the Politics of Swedish Municipal Amalgamations 1952-1974”, Scandinavian Journal of History 40(2), 195–214.
- Erlingsson, Gissur Ó, Kåre Vernby & Richard Öhrvall (2014). “The Single-issue Party Thesis and the Sweden Democrats”, Acta Politica 49(2), 196–216.
- Linde, Jonas & Gissur Ó Erlingsson (2013). “The Eroding Effect of Corruption on System Support in Sweden”, Governance 26(4), 585–603.
- Erlingsson, Gissur Ó, Karl Loxbo & Richard Öhrvall (2012). ”Anti-immigrant Parties, Local Presence and Electoral Success”, Local Government Studies 38(6), 817–839.
- Erlingsson, Gissur Ó & Mikael Persson (2011). “The Swedish Pirate Party and the 2009 European Parliament Election: Protest or Issue Voting?”, Politics, 31(3), 121–128.
- Bergh, Andreas & Gissur Ó Erlingsson (2009). ”Liberalization without Retrenchment: Understanding the Consensus on Swedish Welfare State Reforms”, Scandinavian Political Studies 32(1), 71–93.
- Erlingsson, Gissur Ó (2009). ”The Spatial Diffusion of Party Entrepreneurs: Explaining Party Formation in Sweden 1973–2002”, Political Geography, 28(7), 654–673.