
Göran Collste

My research deals with problems in Ethics and Applied Ethics and my publications include books and articles on global justice, the principle of human dignity, medical ethics, work ethics and ethical issues related to information and communication technologies (ICT Ethics).

In 2015 I published Global Rectificatory Justice, (Palgrave Macmillan), and (as editor) Ethics and Communication – Global Perspectives (Rowman & Littlefield International 2016).

I have been involved in a number of EU-funded research projects; Ethical Dilemmas due to Prenatal and Genetic Diagnostics (EDIG) 2005-2008, Personal Health Monitoring – Ethics (PHM-Ethics), 2009-2014. Most recently I was involved in research on ethical assessment of research and innovation within the EU-funded SATORI-project (Stakeholders Acting Together. On the Ethical Impact Assessment of Research and Innovation), 2014-2017.

I am member of the board of the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics and The Swedish Media Council.

2011-2015 I was President of Societas Ethica (European Society for Research in Ethics).

I was Programme Director of the International Master's Programme in Applied Ethics at Linköping University 2002-2017, and my assignments included being scientific secretary of the Linköping Regional Board of Vetting of Research on Human Beings, member of the Swedish National Committee for Research Misconduct and member of the board of the Swedish Council for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences.

Since 2019 I am member of a panel for assessing research applications to European Research Council (ERC).

Member of scientific boards

  • De Ethica. Journal of philosophical, theological and applied ethics
  • Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Socety, (Emerald, UK)
  • Etikk i Praksis. Tidskrift for Anvendt Etikk (Tapir akademisk forlag, Trondheim)
  • International Advisory Board, KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities Ethical Perspectives

Speech on research ethics at Sorbonne University, March 2018

Recent artikel on African art in French museums



Göran Collste (2025) Globalisering och global rättvisa
Göran Collste, Gunlög Fur, Michael McEachrane, Olivette Otele, Kitimbwa Sabuni, Victor Wilson, May-Britt Öhman (2025) Decolonial blackness and indigeneity in Sweden: an email conversation Decolonial Sweden, p. 75-96 (Chapter in book)


Göran Collste (2024) What, if anything, does Sweden owe the Carribean? Decolonial Sweden, p. 59-74 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Göran Collste (2024) Global Rectificatory Justice The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy, p. 379-392 (Chapter in book)


Göran Collste (2023) Klimatomställningen - en viktig utmaning för hälso- och sjukvården


Teaching, international cooperation and research projects

Academic teaching

Courses in Ethics and Applied Ethics, e.g. Research ethics, Medical ethics, Computer/ICT ethics, Philosophy of Religion, World views and Ideologies, Scientific theory and method, Political philosophy.

Master courses: Ethics, Information and Technology; Globalisation and Global Justice; Ethical theory and Moral practice.

Two PhD candidates who have graduated and four under supervision.

Responsible for post-graduate teaching in applied ethics (CTE).

Research ethics, Institute of Technology and Faculty of Arts.




International cooperation

Dept of Philosophy, Tsinghua University, China
Dept of Humanities, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Dept of Philosophy, Makerere University, Uganda
Dept of Philosophy, University of Science, Malaysia

Editorial boards etc

De Ethica. Journal of philosophical, theological and applied ethics.
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (ICES), (Emerald, UK).
Etikk i Praksis. Tidskrift for Anvendt Etikk (Tapir akademisk forlag, Trondheim).
International Advisory Board, KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities (University of Science, Malaysia).
Ethical Perspectives.
Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften.

Research projects

2014–2017 SATORI (Stakeholders Acting Together On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation), EU FP 7
2011–2014 "… restoring the dignity of the victims". Is rectification a requirement for global justice? (Swedish Research Council)
2009–2012 Personalised Health Monitoring-Ethics. The project is financed within the EU FP 7 programme.
2005–2008 Ethical Dilemmas due to Prenatal and Genetic Diagnosis (EDIG EU FP 6 programme.
2007–2010 Possibilities of Religious Pluralism. Malaysia and Sweden (SIDA research links)
1999–2002 The Principle of Human Dignity
1998–2001 Valuation of Nature
1997–2004 Ethical Reflection in Economic Theory and Practice; Globalisation and Justice
1996 Development of a system for computer supported decisions for clinical work in diabetes care.
1988–1993 Ethics, Working Life and Computerisation
1985 The Value of Work
1978–1984 Ethics in Working Life