
Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev

Leader of the research and education network in materials science between Linköping University (Sweden) and the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil).


Dr. G. K. Gueorguiev is a project leader and expert in theoretical design and experimental verification of nanostructured and low-dimensional materials.

Dr. G. K. Gueorguiev completed his PhD degree in Theoretical Physics on the structural and electronic properties of carbon- and silicon-based clusters at University of Coimbra, Portugal (2003) with the exceptional mark “Cum Laude” and following a fellowship from the prestigious Portuguese Instituto Camões.

Since 2004 he is with the Linköping University (LiU), Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM). At LiU he started a new line of research on theoretical design of nanostructured carbon-based thin films with pre-defined properties and with immediate experimental verification (project and research leader: VR, SSF).

His research interests expand towards 2D and van der Waals structures, layered compounds and coatings with applications in aviation. Theoretical approaches include first-principles and effective methods in computational materials science, synthesis techniques involve magnetron sputtering, MOCVD, atomic-layer deposition.

Together with his PhD degree in Theoretical Physics from University of Coimbra, Portugal, Dr. G. K. Gueorguiev holds a MSc degree in Portuguese language and literature from Department for Ibero-Roman Languages, Faculty for Classical and New Languages, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria (1997).

LiU- UFBA Research and Education Network

Dr. G. K. Gueorguiev is the initiator and the leader of a research network in materials science between Linköping University (LiU), Sweden and the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil (STINT, VR-SRL, CAPES, CNPq projects) operating for more than 10 years and generating results with recognized impact in research and education.

The achievements of the LiU – UFBA network have been recognized with the signing of an agreement on academic, cultural, and scientific cooperation between LiU and UFBA in March 2016, and highlighted at:

  • Brazil-Sweden Excellence Seminar, May 2016, Brasília DF, Brazil
  • Sweden Brazil Innovation Weeks, November 2018, São Paulo, Brazil

The LiU-UFBA network is expanding by involving research leaders from other Brazilian universities, such as:

  • University of São Paulo
  • Mackenzie Presbyterian University
  • Federal University of São Carlos, São Paulo state
  • Federal University of Santa Maria, the state of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Federal University of Paraná
  • Federal University of ABC, São Paulo state

Venues include:

  • Workshop, April 2017 “2D and layered materials: from honeycomb sheets to nanocomposites”, Salvador, Brazil
  • Meeting, October 2019 "Nanoscale phenomena in ultrathin films", São Paulo, Brazil



Manoel Alves Machado Filho, William Farmer, Ching-Lien Hsiao, Renato Batista dos Santos, Lars Hultman, Jens Birch, Kumar Ankit, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev (2024) Density Functional Theory-Fed Phase Field Model for Semiconductor Nanostructures: The Case of Self-Induced Core-Shell InAlN Nanorods Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 24, p. 4717-4727 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ronaldo Rodrigues Pela, Ching-Lien Hsiao, Lars Hultman, Jens Birch, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev (2024) Electronic and optical properties of core-shell InAlN nanorods: a comparative study via LDA, LDA-1/2, mBJ, HSE06, G0W0 and BSE methods Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Edward Ferraz de Almeida Jr, Anelia Kakanakova-Gueorguieva, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev (2024) On Decorating a Honeycomb AlN Monolayer with Hydrogen and Fluorine Atoms: Ab Initio and Experimental Aspects Materials, Vol. 17, Article 616 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Manoel Alves Machado Filho, Ching-Lien Hsiao, Renato Batista dos Santos, Lars Hultman, Jens Birch, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev (2023) Self-Induced Core-Shell InAlN Nanorods: Formation and Stability Unraveled by Ab Initio Simulations ACS Nanoscience Au, Vol. 3, p. 84-93 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Samiran Bairagi, Jui-Che Chang, Fu-Gow Tarntair, Wan-Yu Wu, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev, Edward Ferraz de Almeida, Roger Magnusson, Kun-Lin Lin, Shao-Hui Hsu, Jia-Min Shieh, Jens Birch, Ray-Hua Horng, Kenneth Järrendahl, Ching-Lien Hsiao (2023) Formation of quaternary Zn(AlxGa1−x)2O4 epilayers driven by thermally induced interdiffusion between spinel ZnGa2O4 epilayer and Al2O3 substrate Materials Today Advances, Vol. 20, Article 100422 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
