Deposition of aluminum nitride by magnetron sputtering Photo credit Samiran Bairagi
Brief overview
The Thin Film Physics Division conducts application-inspired basic research on thin films to fundamentally understand the atomistic nature of materials properties and behavior and learn how to make materials perform better through new methods of synthesis and processing. Our research concerns design of new multifunctional materials for hard and wear-resistant coatings, energy materials, magnetic materials, electronics, neutron-converting materials for the ESS, wide-bandgap semiconductors, and more. Results are explored in collaboration with industry and the properties of structures unique to thin films form the basis for new and improved materials and processes in applications.
We work in an excellent infrastructure with access to all of the following instruments and more:
Deposition systems
- Adam
- Bifrost
- Jessie
- Laura
- Ragnarök
- Samson
- Nidhögg
- Zeb
- Sprak
- Medusa
- Hydra
Analytical instruments
- TEM, FEI Titan Cube
- TEM, FEI Tecnai G2
- Fib, Zeiss 1540EsB
- SEM, LEO 1550 Gemini
- Hysitron Triboindenter TI950
- Nanoindenter, Umis
- Auger
- Ellipsometry lab
- Metalmicroscope
- XRD Asterix
- XRD Idefix
- XRD Majestix
- XRD Empyrean
- XRD X'pert PRO
- XPS Phortos
- ToF-Sims
- Sample preparation microscopy