Gülin Öylü
Meso perspectives on age discrimination in late working life in Sweden
This project analyzes working life trajectories, employment outcomes in Sweden using a life course perspective in order to understand the dynamics of age discrimination in late working life.
The project aims to contribute understanding mechanisms behind age discrimination in late working life, specifically the role of meso level factors including the role of organizational characteristics, local policies, and economic conditions.
Using Swedish Registry data, four studies are conducted. These are; description of late working life patterns in Sweden; the structure of age discrimination in late working life in Sweden; the role of firm behavior and characteristics; and the role of local governments and economic conditions in age discrimination in late working life in Sweden.
This project is funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions within the EuroAgeism Project. EuroAgeism is a multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international project that aims to train early stage researchers in the area of ageism and do research on participation of older adults in workforce, ageism in access to goods and services, promotion of age friendly society.