Photo of Håkan Sundblad

Håkan Sundblad

Senior Coordinator

Coordinator of digital methods at the Library and administrative editor of journals and conference proceedings published by Linköping University Electronic Press.

Digital methods coordinator

I have a background in cognitive science and training as a researcher in language technology. My familiarity with information management in engineering and industry has given me a passion for various digital tools and methods for managing, processing and presenting information.

With the Library’s Digital Lab, we introduce different types of digital methods and tools in order to inspire exploration and collaborations between researchers and students from different disciplines. In this way, we hope that familiarity with digital methods will spread throughout Linköping University, LiU.

As editor, it is my job to make journals and conference proceedings published by Linköping University Electronic Press available and accessible. That entails adding permalinks and making them searchable in international databases, and thereby disseminating research results from LiU.



Håkan Sundblad (2007) Question Classification in Question Answering Systems


Annika Flycht-Eriksson (Silvervarg), Arne Jönsson, Magnus Merkel, Håkan Sundblad (2003) Ontology-driven Information-providing Dialogue Systems Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (Conference paper)


Håkan Sundblad (2002) Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms and Meronyms from Question Corpora Proceedings of Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Ontology Engineering at ECAI'2002. Lyon, France. 2002 (Conference paper)