Theoretically I draw from theories of citizenship, forced migration, standpoint epistemology and identity.

Haqqi Bahram
Associate Professor
My research explores statelessness and its various intersections in contexts of forced migration and asylum and in relation to identity formation and belonging.
PhD Project
Syrian Kurds and Politics of Citizenship: Between Statelessness and Displacement
Focusing on life narratives of stateless Kurds from Syria in Sweden and Germany, I critically examine politics of citizenship between home and exile interrogating 'solutions' to the problem of statelessness. Grounded in stateless standpoint epistemology, my study aims to unpack (the legacy of) statelessness within the current context of forced migration and its socio-political impact on constructions of identity and belonging.

Research network
Research environment
I am a teacher at the bachelor programme in Social and Cultural Analysis (SKA) and the international master's programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies (EMS)