
India Morrison

Senior Associate Professor




Madeleine Jones, Connor James Haggarty, Gavin N. Petrie, Abigail R. Lunge, India Morrison, Matthew N. Hill, Markus Heilig, Leah Mayo (2025) Endocannabinoid contributions to the perception of socially relevant, affective touch in humans Neuropsychopharmacology (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Juulia Suvilehto, Asta Cekaite, India Morrison (2023) The why, who and how of social touch NATURE REVIEWS PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 2, p. 606-621 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
India Morrison (2023) Touching to connect, explore, and explain: how the human brain makes social touch meaningful The Senses & Society, Vol. 18, p. 92-109 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lina Koppel, Giovanni Novembre, Robin Kämpe, Mattias Savallampi, India Morrison (2023) Prediction and action in cortical pain processing Cerebral Cortex, Vol. 33, p. 794-810 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Linda Handlin, Giovanni Novembre, Helene Lindholm, Robin Kämpe, Elisabeth Paul, India Morrison (2023) Human endogenous oxytocin and its neural correlates show adaptive responses to social touch based on recent social context eLIFE, Vol. 12, Article e81197 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

