07 November 2018

Four LiU researchers will receive a total of SEK 18 million in project grants from the Swedish Research Council after a call for proposals within humanities and the social sciences. A further SEK 17 million has been awarded to a research environment working in migration and integration.

Many people at the train station

The largest grant, SEK 17.2 million, was awarded to Marc Keuschnigg of the Institute for Analytical Sociology, as support for a research environment: “Mining for meaning: Dynamics of the public migration discourse.”

The Swedish Research Council awarded grants totalling SEK 70.5 million to four research environments within migration and integration. Overall, 11% of applications were successful.

Humanities and the social sciences

Two of the researchers awarded project grants in the humanities and social sciences work at the Department of Management and Engineering.
Sarah Valdez, who also works at the Institute for Analytical Sociology, was awarded SEK 4.3 million for research into the effects of ethnic segregation of public and private accommodation markets.
Gustav Tinghög, from the Division of Economics, receives more than SEK 5 million for research into erroneous thinking when making assessments and decisions.

India Morrisson, Center for Social and Affective Neuroscience (CSAN), is to receive SEK 5.5 million during four years for research into brain mechanisms for social touch. She works at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine.
Anna Watz, who works at Language and Literature in the Department of Culture and Communication, receives more than SEK 3 million during the same period for research into feminism-surrealism in a new framework.

The Swedish Research Council awarded nearly SEK 730 million within the humanities and social sciences for the period 2018-2024. Overall, 13% of applications were successful.

Translation George Farrants

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