Photo of Johan Nordgren

Johan Nordgren

Associate Professor, Docent

Docent in Medical Microbiology.

Virus-host interactions in infection and disease

My research in centered on disentangling host and virus interactions and how these affect infection and disease.

I mainly study gastrointestinal viruses but also emerging and airborne viruses, often in a global health perspective. Through our studies we want to understand how both virus and host factors mediate susceptibility and severity to an infection. We are furthermore working with different infection models for functional studies to unravel virus-host interactions and pathogenic mechanisms on a molecular level.


Latest publications in LiU DiVA


Nathalia Alves Araujo de Almeida, Yan Cardoso Pimenta, Flavia Freitas de Oliveira Bonfim, Nicole Carolina Araujo de Almeida, Jose Paulo Gagliardi Leite, Alberto Ignacio Olivares Olivares, Johan Nordgren, Marcia Terezinha Baroni de Moraes (2024) Association between detection rate of norovirus GII and climatic factors in the Northwest Amazon region Heliyon, Vol. 10, Article e35463 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Marina Garcia, Anna Carrasco Garcia, Whitney Weigel, Wanda Christ, Ronaldo Lira-Junior, Lorenz Wirth, Johanna Tauriainen, Kimia Maleki, Giulia Vanoni, Antti Vaheri, Satu Makela, Jukka Mustonen, Johan Nordgren, Anna Smed-Sorensen, Tomas Strandin, Jenny Mjosberg, Jonas Klingström (2024) Innate lymphoid cells are activated in HFRS, and their function can be modulated by hantavirus-induced type I interferons PLoS Pathogens, Vol. 20, Article e1012390 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Arash Hellysaz, Johan Nordgren, Magdalena Neijd, Magali Marti Generó, Lennart Svensson, Marie Hagbom (2023) Microbiota do not restrict rotavirus infection of colon Journal of Virology, Vol. 97, Article e01526-23 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Hjalmar Waller, Noelia Carmona Vicente, Axel James, Melissa Govender, Francis Hopkins, Marie Larsson, Marie Hagbom, Lennart Svensson, Helena Enocsson, Annette Gustafsson, Åsa Nilsdotter-Augustinsson, Johanna Sjöwall, Johan Nordgren (2023) Viral load at hospitalization is an independent predictor of severe COVID-19 European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 53, Article e13882 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Francis Hopkins, Johan Nordgren, Rafael Fernandez-Botran, Helena Enocsson, Melissa Govender, Cecilia Svanberg, Lennart Svensson, Marie Hagbom, Åsa Nilsdotter-Augustinsson, Sofia Nyström, Christopher Sjöwall, Johanna Sjöwall, Marie Larsson (2023) Pentameric C-reactive protein is a better prognostic biomarker and remains elevated for longer than monomeric CRP in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Frontiers in Immunology, Vol. 14, Article 1259005 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


