
Julia Velkova

Associate Professor, Docent

I am an associate professor and docent of media and communication studies. I study the end of life of media infrastructures and the energy politics of digitalisation. Between 2023-2028 I am also a Profutura Scientia fellow.


How are media infrastructure – like AI, satellites, algorithms, data centers or telephone and internet networks – made and dismantled, valued and devalued? For whom, by whom, and to what ends? And, how do AI and data infrastructure transform electricity grids, communities and landscapes? These are the questions that I explore in my research. 

My work is positioned at the intersection between media and communication studies, science and technology studies (STS), and cultural studies of media technologies. I take a lot of inspiration from various strands of anthropology. I am interested in the politics of power, values and inequality that arise when media infrastructures and things like “AI”, software, data centers, satellite ground stations, telephone networks, or wind turbines, are being created or dismantled.

In 2022 I was awarded the prestigious 5-year research fellowship ProFutura Scientia that supports promising early-career scholars in the humanities and social sciences to pursue cutting-edge, curiosity-driven research. Since a few years back I am also a research affiliate at the Global Media Technologies and Cultures Lab led by Lisa Parks at the University of California Santa Barbara.

You can read more about me on my private website: www.juliavelkova.org


My research reflects my curvy background. Staring as a telecom engineer in my undergraduate studies in Bulgaria, and moving through philosophy, communication and cultural studies in my master degrees, I got my PhD in media and communication studies in Sweden with focus on the production, valuation and dismantling of media infrastructure.

In 2022 I initiated the Tema DataLab – a forum for collaborative co-creation and experimentation with diverse forms of doing and communicating academic knowledge.

Right now I explore the end of life of media infrastructure, and the energy politics of datafication.

I currently lead three research projects as PI:

  1. ”When Communication Networks Come to Die: Socio-cultural perspectives on infrastructure dismantling” (2023-2028) – This project is the main focus in the scope of my Profutura Scientia Fellowship.
  2. ”Megabytes vs Megawatts: Understanding Infrastructural Frictions between Data Centers and Energy Grids for Sustainable Digitalization” (2023-2025), funded by Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, 5 600 000 MSEK. This project explores the frictions between Big Tech and AI demands for energy and electricity grids in transition.
  3. I am the Swedish PI of REIMAGINE ADM: Reimagining public values in algorithmic futures (2022 – 2025), funded by the Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe (CHANSE), which is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries.

Past Research Projects

  • From Earth Stations to Data Centers: Network buildings as transnational infrastructures and logistical media.
    (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2019 - 2022)
  • Hushåll som infrastrukturknutpunkter
    (VR/Energimyndigheten, 2018 - 2022)
  • Resistans och Effekt: Smarta Elnät
    (Kamprad Stiftelsen, 2019 - 2023)
  • Kommuner i med- och motvind – Lärdomar om möjligheter och utmaningar från kommuners planering för vindkraftsetableringar sedan 2009


TEMA's DataLab

I am Founder and Co-Chair of TEMA's DataLab, which is a forum for collaborative co-creation and experimentation with diverse forms of doing and communicating academic knowledge.

3D particle system that's built by a flow of strings, generated in wave.

Tema's DataLab

The DATA LAB is a forum for collaborative co-creation and experimentation with diverse forms of doing and communicating academic knowledge.



Flora Mary Bartlett, Julia Velkova (2025) This Photograph has Never Been in a Data Centre: An experimental intervention in pursuit of responsible research practice Platforms and the Planet: Digital Platforms and Environmental Responsibility (Chapter in book)
Julia Velkova (2025) Data Infrastructures and their Temporalities Sage Handbook of Data and Society (Chapter in book)
Harald Rohracher, Julia Velkova, Dick Magnusson, Mohsen Farhangi (2025) Re-assembling infrastructures from below. The agency of households in the sustainable energy transition Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 54, Article 100943 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Julia Velkova, Anne Kaun (2024) Introduction to Beyond Academic Publics: Conversations about Scholarly Collaborations with Cultural Institutions Beyond academic publics: conversationsabout scholarly collaborations withcultural institutions (Chapter in book)
Julia Velkova (2024) Datenbezogene Thermopolitik. Cloud-Infrastrukturen und Energiezukünfte Critical Temperature Studies (Chapter in book)


CV in short

  • 2023–now
    Profutura Scientia Fellow, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies and associate professor at Technology and Social Change, Department of Thematic Studies (TEMA), Linköping University
  • 2021
    Docent (associate professor) of media and communication studies, Linköping University
  • 2018
    PhD in Media and Communication Studies, Södertörn University, Sweden
  • 2011
    MA in Communication for Development, Malmö University, Sweden
  • 2007
    MPhil in Eastern Philosophy and Culture, University of Sofia, Bulgaria 
  • 2005
    BSc in Communication Technology and Engineering, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

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Julia Velkova

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