Photo of Kajsa Igelström

Kajsa Igelström

Associate Professor, Docent

My research goal is to understand how variations in brain function are related to different strengths and challenges in people with autism or ADHD.

Perception and cognition in autism och ADHD

Neuropsychiatric disorders occur when the brain develops in unusual ways. Differences in thinking style and sensory perception can cause many problems but can also be associated with great strengths. If we can understand both strengths and challenges on the individual level, it may ultimately help people to harness their strengths and minimize limitations.

My group uses virtual reality and brain imaging to test perception, attention and cognitive function in children and adults with autism or ADHD.

I also run the international outreach project Extraordinary Brains, which aims to improve acceptance and understanding of people with neurodevelopmental differences.



Peter Bang, Danait Kidane Andemichael, Johan F. Pieslinger, Kajsa Igelström (2024) Sensory symptoms associated with autistic traits and anxiety levels in children aged 6-11 years Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Vol. 16, Article 45 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Peter Bang, Kajsa Igelström (2024) Relationships Between Autistic Trait Dimensions and Speech Understanding, Affective Sound Intolerance, and Self-Reported Hearing Difficulties AUTISM IN ADULTHOOD (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Peter Bang, Kajsa Igelström (2024) Relationships between autistic trait dimensions and speech understanding, affective sound intolerance, and self-reported hearing difficulties Autism in Adulthood (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Andrea Markkula, Kajsa Igelström, He Zhang, Andrea Johansson Capusan (2024) Paternal intelligence affects school grades in children with and without ADHD - a register-based study European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Angelica P. Ahrens, Tuulia Hyotylainen, Joseph R. Petrone, Kajsa Igelström, Christian D. George, Timothy J. Garrett, Matej Oresic, Eric W. Triplett, Johnny Ludvigsson (2024) Infant microbes and metabolites point to childhood neurodevelopmental disorders Cell, Vol. 187 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

