Kajsa Gomez Svensson

Senior Coordinator

Programme administrator for Sida funded bilateral research programmes

in Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

Main tasks

  • Financial reporting and budget
  • Manages requisitions (payments) to our partners
  • Planning and administration of meetings, conferences, workshops and visits of guests
  • Support to PhD students and postdoctors

Coordination of the Swedish side of UR-Sweden Programme also include:

  • Write financial reports for the Programme Coordination Office (PCO)
  • Review and compile financial reports for the sub-programmes and support with report templates
  • Document management in Project Coordinator
  • Read plans and reports and provide feedback to the sub-programmes
  • Update and develop regulatory framework of the programme
  • Inform team leaders on the sub-programmes about new rules and information from Sida
  • Planning and administration of team leader meetings, annual planning meetings, and annual review meetings

The UR-Sweden Programme

Building research capacity at the University of Rwanda (UR)

The UR-Sweden Programme is the largest bilateral research programme currently funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). In line with the development goals of Rwanda, the UR-Sweden Programme consists of three components: Research Training, Research Infrastructure and Research Management. 

The Department of Mathematics (MAI) at Linköping University together with the Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University are the Swedish partners in the Applied Mathematics and Statistics sub-programme.

The main goal of this sub-programme is to train Master's and PhD students in mathematics and statistics and support the University of Rwanda to develop its own programmes in mathematics and statistics. Another goal of the sub-programme is to contribute to a conducive environment for research in mathematics and statistics at the University of Rwanda.




Research Programmes


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MAI in Africa

The Department of Mathematics (MAI) at Linköping University is actively involved in helping universities in Africa to build up research capacity.

I work in close collaboration with
