Karl-Olof Bergman
Associate Professor, Docent
I believe in increasing our knowledge how to preserve species and ecosystems.
My main interest is in the field of conservation biology and I have broad interest with regard to organisms. I have been studying plants, lichens, butterflies, beetles and frogs, everything in the context of increasing our knowledge how to preserve species and ecosystems.
I did my PhD about the conservation of a threatened butterfly, the Woodland Brown, (Lopinga achine). The project dealt with detailed autoecological studies such as choice of host plant, habitat selection, and dispersal ability. The effects of patch area, isolation, and successional stages were also examined.
Monitoring of invertebrates is another field that I have been working with. I am the main adviser in development of monitoring of butterflies and bumblebees in the NILS (National Inventory of the Landscape in Sweden) project. I have written the monitoring methods for butterflies, bumblebees, dung beetles and grasshoppers for SEPA.
I have a personal and professional interest in tropical conservation and I enjoy travelling and photographing in tropical areas. Visit my personal Instagram account to see some photos from the tropics.