
Karolina Härle

I work as course manager for the master's program “Advanced specialist nurse/nurse practitioner in surgical care” and conduct patient-close research in surgical care.

Educational assignments and research

I work as course manager for the master's program Advanced specialist nurse in surgical care. I lecture and supervise exam papers both at basic level in the nursing program and at advanced level in the specialist nursing program with a focus on surgical care.

I combine my service with clinical work at the surgical department at the University Hospital in Linköping as an nurse practitioner.

I did my dissertation in 2023 in the field of enterocutaneous fistulas, where I studied both the patients', relatives' and health care's experiences of the disease. I also did a study to describe the patients in a Swedish population. My continued research is close to patients, mainly in inflammatory bowel disease, but I also have ongoing projects in emergency surgery and trauma, which is my main clinical area.

Short texts


  • Licensed nurse in 2002.
  • Specialist nurse in surgical care 2005.
  • Advanced specialist nurse in surgical care, masters degree 2014.
  • Doctor of Medicine 2023.

Educational mission

  • Course manager for the master's program Advanced specialist nurse in surgical care.
  • Supervises degree projects at basic level in the nursing program and advanced level in the specialist nursing program with focus on surgical care.
  • Lectures at basic and advanced level within the nursing and specialist nursing program with focus on surgical care.


Cover of publication ''
Karolina Härle, Sussanne Börjeson, Olof Hallböök, Pär Myrelid, Ingela Thylén (2023)

PLOS ONE , Vol.18 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Karolina Härle, Sussanne Börjeson, Olof Hallböök, Pär Myrelid, Ingela Thylén (2023)

Journal of Clinical Nursing , Vol.32 , s.4663-4676 Continue to DOI


Karolina Härle, Pär Myrelid, Kalle Landerholm, Sussanne Börjeson, Ingela Thylén, Olof Hallböök (2024) A population-based study of incidence, aetiology, treatment and outcome of enterocutaneous fistula Colorectal Disease, Vol. 26, p. 1971-1982 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Karolina Härle (2023) Enterocutaneous fistula: Patients', families' and healthcare professionals' experiences - epidemiology and outcomes
Karolina Härle, Sussanne Börjeson, Olof Hallböök, Pär Myrelid, Ingela Thylén (2023) Healthcare professionals experiences of providing care for patients with enterocutaneous fistula in hospital and in homecare: A qualitative study PLOS ONE, Vol. 18 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Karolina Härle, Sussanne Börjeson, Olof Hallböök, Pär Myrelid, Ingela Thylén (2023) Putting life on hold: A longitudinal phenomenological-hermeneutic study of living with [or close to someone with] an enterocutaneous fistula before and after reconstructive surgery Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol. 32, p. 4663-4676 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
