
Magnus Johansson

Senior Coordinator

Online education is a key concept for my interests in ICT. With a background in research and teaching I am involved in developing new ways of promoting Linköping University as a digital campus. I also coordinate the photo editorial board at KOM.


Information and communication technology — ICT — has since long been a major interest for me both as a researcher and an educator. Online education is coming of age, and the tools and insights into this field are so much better today than in the early 1990s when I first started to work on these issues. As a historian of technology I have studied the first attempts at computerization in Sweden in the late 1950s and early 1960s up until the introduction of Internet in the 1990s. Important insights from the 1980s—when computers became part of the curriculum for pupils in K-12 education—as well as today’s ”digital natives” which are our students, give perspective on how to approach the tasks at hand, be it in the classroom or the digital campus.
As senior project manager I have been involved in several efforts at LiU to implement digital strategies, most recently as head of the Web Management Office at the Communications and Marketing Division of Linköping University. Currently I am Coordinator of the photography editorial board.



Agneta Frode Blomberg, Helena Blackert, Susan Gollenia, Magnus Johansson (Editorship) (2025) Årsredovisning för Linköpings universitet avseende budgetåret 2024


Agneta Frode Blomberg, Marie Sigvardsson, Helena Blackert, Magnus Johansson, Sara Hammarsten (Editorship) (2024) Årsredovisning för Linköpings universitet avseende budgetåret 2023


Agneta Frode Blomberg, Marie Sigvardsson, Marcus Pettersson, Magnus Johansson (Editorship) (2023) Årsredovisning för Linköpings universitet avseende budgetåret 2022


Agneta Frode Blomberg, Marie Sigvardsson, Sara Hammarsten, Magnus Johansson (Editorship) (2022) Årsredovisning för Linköpings universitet avseende budgetåret 2021


Agneta Frode Blomberg, Marie Sigvardsson, Karin Christoffersson, Magnus Johansson (Editorship) (2021) Årsredovisning för Linköpings universitet avseende budgetåret 2020


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