Communications and Marketing Division (KOM)

The Communications and Marketing Division develops and coordinates internal and external communications and the marketing of Linköping University.

Communication at LiU is characterised by openness, credibility and innovation. The university operates in a world in which competition for attractive students, skilled co-workers and research funding is ever-increasing. In order to reach our strategic goals, fulfil our commission, and bring to reality our vision of a university with the courage to think freely and innovate, the Communications and Marketing Division works to reinforce the university’s position as innovator, and to strengthen the image of LiU as a university that never stands still, deeply engaged with the society around us.

Organisation and tasks

The division works at both strategic and operative levels. We are to contribute to student recruitment; create long-term relationships; spread knowledge of our research, education and collaboration; attract excellent co-workers; create internal and external pride; nurture, reinforce and develop the university’s brand; and provide professional support in communication and marketing.

The Communications and Marketing Division unites all who work with communication and marketing at Linköping University. We work both centrally and in a dispersed manner throughout the university. The division has six units.

News and LiU magazine

Contact us at Communications and Marketing Division

Brand and Events Office

Linköping University is to be a “university of international standing – where people and ideas converge and develop”. This can only be achieved with unambiguous communication and conscious work to reinforce the Linköping University brand.

The unit works with overall strategies to develop and reinforce the LiU brand, within Sweden and internationally. We initiate and manage projects with events and collaboration to reinforce the brand, and we work with LiU’s academic ceremonies. The unit is also home to activities under Music at LiU.

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Content Production Office

The Content Production Office unites the central communication channels of the university. We are responsible for social media and the various points of entry at; we coordinate internal communication, inform about the university and provide news services for external and internal websites.

The tasks of the unit include writing, photographing and filming to document the multifaceted operations at Linköping University, both for target groups outside the university and for our many co-workers and students.

We collaborate with the other units in the Communications and Marketing Division in recruiting students, disseminating research results and informing about how we collaborate with the commercial world and the society around us.


Printing Services

The principal task of Printing Services is to provide graphical products and services to faculties, departments, administrative offices and students at the university. We also carry out work for private individuals.

Printing Services has extensive knowledge of the special requirements of the academic world for graphical products and new digital services. We can help provide anything from business cards to huge façade banners and books, brochures, etc.

Contact our customer service desk for help with printed material or support in graphical work.


Research Communications and Media Relations

Research Communications and Media Relations works to disseminate research results and describe how new knowledge brings benefit to society. Several co-workers are located at departments, research centres and research programmes.

We provide background information about Linköping University and provide editorial services for the annual report and plan of operations. Our translators provide not only translation services, but also language editing of scientific articles.

We are responsible for central media relations: which includes disseminating new research results and other news both in Sweden and abroad, dealing with questions from the media, and providing internal support in media issues.

Contact media relations:

Student Recruitment and Alumni Office

Acting manager Mariethe Larsson

The task of the Student Recruitment and Alumni Office is to lead and develop marketing initiatives for student recruitment for our Swedish and international programmes and single-subject courses. Our target groups are prospective students in Sweden and abroad.

Together with other units in the Communications and Marketing Division, we use many marketing channels to arouse the interest of prospective students in studying at LiU. We also reach out to alumni to canvas their support in various ways.

Our central alumni-focussed operations are intended to reinforce and develop the university’s relationship with our Swedish and international alumni.

Contact with the alumni-based operations:

Website Management and Media Lab

The task of the Website Management and Media Lab concerns the development and administration of our websites, digital media and media lab. The unit trains, guides and leads communications officers when working with websites and other digital media. Furthermore, the unit manages and develops digital platforms for external and internal communication, and analyses and evaluates traffic in our channels. The unit carries out special commissions associated with, for example, major research operations. The media lab explores and develops new presentation formats for photos, video and sound on websites and in social media, and produces video material for large projects.

Several of our co-workers work principally as communications officers at various departments, faculties and units within University Services. The tasks concern, for example, work with the external website, intranet, management support, communication plans, social media, photos, etc.



Postal Address

Linköping University
Communications and Marketing Division
581 83 Linköping

Visiting address

Communications and Marketing Division
D Building
Entrance 41
Campus Valla

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