
Malki Afram

Intellectual property and self-replicating technology

My research focuses on technology that has an inherent ability to self-replicate, for example in terms of a genetically modified organism (GMO). I consider the question of how the intellectual property rights’ related protection is affected by the fact that the technology in question is self-replicating.

This is an important area to research to be able to create a more harmonized approach of how far reaching the scope of patent protection actually is.

A large portion of my research deals with finding a balance between separate areas of law that may come into conflict due to the object in question that is being protected. An example of this would be the conflict of interest between the owner of the intellectual property and those that wish to gain access to said property, for example in terms of the right to food.

My ongoing research project is structured around a dissertation with the working title: Sowing the seeds of doubt – a study in patent protection and self-replicating technology.

In my dissertation I study self-replicating technology within the scope of patent protection while focusing on whether the protection afforded to intellectual property is affected by the existence of self-replicating traits.

During my tenure at LiU I also teach various subjects such as business law, transportation law and, of course, intellectual property rights.
