Commercial and Business Law (ARÄTT)

The division Commercial and Business Law is part of the Department of Management and Engineering. The division offers education programmes in law at the basic and advanced levels. We also have research and postgraduate studies.


Isabelle Bengtsson.

PhD-student: "There’s no better job"

A interesting subject, lots of freedom, loads of time and the chance to get down to the nitty-gritty in an academic field. These are some of the reasons that Isabelle Bengtsson started doing a PhD. “I can’t think of a better job”, she says.

LiU student gets important child rights appointment

LiU student Rita Riadh-Issa, 23 years old, is a new board member for theWorld’s Children’s Prize Foundation, which manages the world’s largest educational programme for children’s rights and democracy.

Speaker of the Riksdag is Alumnus of the Year

Speaker of the Riksdag Andreas Norlén managed to form a new government after last autumn's chaotic election.


The division Commercial and Business Law educates future lawyers with specialisation in business. 

We have a bachelor and master’s programmes in Commercial and Business Law. Our education is unique because students can specialize in European Commercial and Business Laws and read courses in French or German language.


We also offer single-subject courses in law. These include right now:

  • An advanced course in Corporate Taxation
  • Banking and Finance Law
  • Basic course in Commercial Law
  • Creditor´s Rights and Insolvency Law
  • Corporate Law
  • EU-law
  • Intellectual property law
  • International Tax Law
  • Tax Law

In addition to this, we have summer courses in Labor law and Family law.

Contract education

We offer specific legal training to companies, organisations and the public sector. Training courses can be arranged in most areas of law.

Contact Head of division Christina Nordin for more information


We research commercial and business law!  

There are legal aspects to everything that happens in society. From marriage, trade, land use and cooperation to charities and climate change – everything has a legal dimension. Our goal is to build and develop an active commercial and business law research environment at Linköping University.  

Rather than describing our research in terms of various legal areas, we often focus on social phenomena. For example, we carry out research about innovation and how the law affects opportunities for the development of new business models. Climate change creates new requirements for adaptation, responsibility taking and risk management. The transition to a more sustainable society raises new legal questions about, among other things, incitement, regulation, and different forms of organisations. These questions require an international perspective and interdisciplinary collaborations, with e.g. environment, technology, economics, and others areas in which expertise is needed. We research specific sectors such as Fin Tech (Financial Technology), franchising and insurance. Of course, we also research core areas of commercial and business law, such as contracts, transactions, and their legal ramifications; the relationships between individuals and organisations in society, and conditions for entrepreneurship. Our research has, in many cases, a proactive character. That is to say, the law is examined from the perspective of how it is intended to affect economic choice.

You can read more detailed descriptions of specific commercial and business law research projects and publications on each researcher’s page.

Successful research that is relevant to society is crucial for the continued high quality of our commercial and business law undergraduate programmes.

Latest publications


Lena Hiort af Ornäs Leijon, Eleonor Kristoffersson (2025) Skattesystemet Övningsbok
Lena Hiort af Ornäs Leijon, Eleonor Kristoffersson (2025) Skattesystemet Lärobok: inkomstskatt, sociala avgifter, mervärdesskatt, punktskatter, internationella frågor och förfarande
Ingrid Arnesdotter (2025) Karin Blad, Styrelseledamöters skyldigheter och ansvar vid risk för obestånd och liknande situationer (ak.avh.), Örebro Studies in Law 19,2023, 401 s. Juridisk Tidskrift, Vol. 2, p. 485-493 (Article, book review)


Elif Härkönen (2024) Foreign Direct Investment and Screening of Acquisitions in the Financial Sector- Too Little, Too Late? (Éditorial) Revue internationale des services financiers, Vol. 3, p. 3-5 (Article in journal)
Elif Härkönen (2024) Solnedgångsklausuler i svenska aktiebolag: om bolagsstyrning och externt ägarkapital på värdepappersmarknaden Juridisk Tidskrift, p. 41-64 (Article in journal)
Jessica Östberg (2024) Om styrelsejäv: samt om lagtolkning och tillämpning av rättsprinciper Festskrift till Svante Johansson, p. 402-426 (Chapter in book)
Jessica Östberg (2024) Om intressekonflikter i aktiebolag: särskilt om utnyttjande av bolagets affärsmöjligheter Et Selskabsliv: Festskrift til Tore Bråthen, p. 668-693 (Chapter in book)

Contact us


Visiting Address

Division of Commercial and Business Law
Hans Meijers väg
A Building, entrance 17-19
Campus Valla
Linköping, Sweden

Postal Address

Linköping University
Department of Management and Engineering
Division of Commercial and Business Law
SE-581 83 Linköping
