Photo of Mårten Fristedt

Mårten Fristedt


Most of my time is spent on teaching within the logistics, supply chain management and purchasing areas. My research evolves around purchasing and purchasing organisations, particularly hybrid purchasing organisations in global industrial companies.

Logistics management and Purchasing organisations 

As an assistant lecturer I spend significant part of my time teaching. I am seminar leader and supervisor in many of the division's courses. To name a few - Basic Logistics, Supply Chain Logistics, Logistics Analysis, Logistics Project and Master theses. I also do guest appearances in, for example, the division's course within Purchasing. Purchasing is also connected to my research.

My research is within the area of hybrid purchasing organisations. In particular, I study the balance between the many advantages one can draw from a centralised purchasing structure and the benefits provided by having a decentralised structure. The research is conducted through case studies performed at large Swedish industrial companies.

Short summary

Academic merits

  • MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, Linköping University, Sweden, 2011


  • 723G48 Logistik - Seminar leader
  • TETS27 Supply Chain Logistics - Seminar leader
  • TETS37 Grundläggande logistik - Examiner, lecturer, seminar leader
  • TETS38 Logistikprojekt – Communication officer and supervisor
  • TQIE xx Master thesis - Supervisor
  • TETS44 Logistics and Quality Development - Seminar leader
  • TETS57 Logistics Analysis - Course director, lecturer, seminar leader



Mårten Fristedt, Jakob Rehme, Erik Sandberg (2015) Describing hybrid purchasing organizations - the case of a Swedish industrial firm


Erik Sandberg, Mårten Fristedt (2014) Purchasing and logistics paradoxes in retail organisations Designing responsible and innovative global supply chains (Conference paper)


Mårten Fristedt, Andreas Hansson, Maria Huge-Brodin, Jakob Rehme, Erik Sandberg (2012) Supply chain management in practice: a case study of McDonald's Sweden NOFOMA 2012: Proceedings of 24th  Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference , p. 875-877 (Conference paper)
Mårten Fristedt, Andreas Hansson, Maria Huge-Brodin, Jakob Rehme, Erik Sandberg (2012) Supply chain management in practice: a case study of McDonald's Sweden
