The emphasis of my research is concrete problem areas, such as how social sustainability looks in practice in community planning and what consequences this has, and how the work with building information modeling (BIM) can be handled so both practical knowledge about the building and theoretical calculations are included. With my research, I want to study phenomena in practice and make visible the complex relationships and actors involved in creating a more sustainable society. My academic domicile is in technology and science studies (STS) and my background is found in energy research where I studied prosumers, energy collaborations in industry, energy calculation models and participated in the Graduate School in Energy Systems. In addition to my research, I work as the director of the Center for Human, Technology and Society (CMTS), which handles social science and humanities courses for technical educations. In this role, I am responsible for developing courses that support future engineers and preparing them for their future professional role with, among other things, insights into the relationship between technology and society, ethics, gender, linguistic communication and social sustainability.
Sustainable business
Maria Eidenskog thesis was completed in May 2015 and focused on sustainability efforts on a medium-sized company in Sweden. She studied how sustainability efforts was enacted in practice, how different versions of sustainability could sometimes clash and sometimes co-exist and how sustainability is sometimes invisible in relation to other values. Read more about the research through the link "Caring for Corporate Sustainability".