
Mikael Rosell


Teaching librarian, focusing on Science and engineering.


I teach students about the use of library resources, information seeking, referencing and anti-plagiarism.

I work with issues regarding correct referencing and citing, avoiding plagiarism and using material in responsible ways, respecting other people’s copyright. As a part of this work I give introductions and support in the use of reference management programmes.



Mikael Rosell (2021) NoPlagiat: från en öppen webbplats till en stängd lärplattform När nyfikenhet, driv och kreativitet möts: bibliotekariens roll som producent och utvecklare, p. 167-179 (Chapter in book)


Mikael Rosell (2016) NoPlagiat: Helps students to avoid plagiarism and copyright issues ICERI2016 : Proceedings 14th-16th Noivember 2016 : 9th International Conferende of Education, Research and Innovation, p. 7390-7397 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Christina Brage, Mikael Rosell, Joakim Westerlund, Marie-Louise Axelsson, Kajsa Gustafsson Åman, Magdalena Öström (2012) The transition of academic information literacy into workplace information literacy: A challenge ahead ICERI2012 Proceedings, 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain. 19-21 November, 2012, p. 5642-5648 (Conference paper)