
Muyi Zhang

PhD student

I am a PhD student of the Applied Physics Division at IFM since Jan 2021. My research topic is the lead-free halide perovskites for optoelectronics. My recent interest focuses on the exciton-luminescent halides for LED devices.



Muyi joined Linköping University as a PhD student in Jan 2021. Before that, he received his M.S. degrees from MINES ParisTech, PSL University, France (2017-2020) and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (2017-2020), his B.S. degree from China University of Petroleum (2013-2017), and a transfer-student diploma from Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russia (2015-2016).



Muyi Zhang, Xiaotian Ma, John Laurence Esguerra, Hongling Yu, Olof Hjelm, Jiashuo Li, Feng Gao (2025) Towards sustainable perovskite light-emitting diodes Nature Sustainability (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI


John Laurence Esguerra, Muyi Zhang, Feng Gao, Olof Hjelm (2024) Systematic Technology Selection and Data Inventory in Labscale LCA: The Case of Perovskite Light-emitting Diodes Proceedings of the 26th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium (Conference paper)
Yanmei He, Xinyi Cai, Xiaochen Wang, Mikkel Baldtzer Liisberg, Jakub Dostal, Muyi Zhang, Miroslav Kloz, Feng Gao, Tonu Pullerits, Junsheng Chen (2024) Unveiling Mechanism of Temperature-Dependent Self-Trapped Exciton Emission in 1D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Tin Halide for Advanced Thermography Advanced Optical Materials (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
John Laurence Esguerra, Muyi Zhang, Feng Gao, Olof Hjelm (2024) Systematic Technology Selection and Data Inventory in Lab-scale LCA: The Case of Perovskite Light-emitting Diodes Extended abstracts of the 26th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium. Report no 2024:5, p. 41-42 (Conference paper)
Weidong Cai, Jiajun Qin, Xinyu Ma, Shun Wang, Muyi Zhang, Tianjun Liu, Tiqiang Pang, Julia Morat, Yuequn Shang, Fuxiang Ji, Shengying Yue, Feng Gao (2024) Multicolor light emission and multifunctional applications in double perovskite-Cs 2 NaInCl 6 by Cu + /Sb 3+co-doping Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 489, Article 151212 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
