Photo of Ou Tang

Ou Tang



Ou Tang is Professor of Production Economics at Linköping University, Sweden. He serves as the editor for the International Journal of Production Economics and is the past president of International Society of Inventory Research (ISIR).

His research includes inventory modelling, manufacturing planning and control systems, closed loop supply chains, supply chain risk management, sustainable supply chain management and China related operations management issues.

He has published more than 100 scientific articles, including 60 appearing in international journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Production and Operations Management and others. 



Weihua Liu, Yuenan Cao, Jiahe Hou, Yang Cheng, Hing Kai Chan, Ou Tang (2024) Green procurement or green supply? A meta-analysis of their impacts on firm sustainability performance International Journal of Logistics Continue to DOI
Junyi Lin, Mohamed M. Naim, Ou Tang (2024) In-house or outsourcing? The impact of remanufacturing strategies on the dynamics of component remanufacturing systems under lifecycle demand and returns European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 315, p. 965-979 Continue to DOI
Kailing Li, Naiming Xie, Ou Tang (2024) Data-driven degradation trajectory prediction and online knee point identification of battery in electric vehicles Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 159, Article 108154 Continue to DOI
Johan Vogt Duberg, Erik Sundin, Ou Tang (2024) Assessing the profitability of remanufacturing initiation: a literature review Journal of Remanufacturing, Vol. 14, p. 69-92 Continue to DOI
Xiaoyu Yan, Weihua Liu, Ou Tang, Jiahe Hou (2024) When will an overconfident entrant in the two-sided market do more good than harm? International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 267, Article 109093 Continue to DOI
