Production Economics (PEK)

The division of Production Economics is part of the Department of Management and Engineering and carries out education and research connected to the optimal use of productive resources within manufacturing or optimal financial decisions.

Education in Production Economics

The majority of the undergraduate courses are given in the engineering programs Industrial Engineering and Management and Mechanical Engineering, and in the international master's programme Industrial Engineering and Management. We offer a number of basic courses in for example production economics, economic analysis and corporate finance. The division is also responsible for two master profiles, operations management and finance, which in total have more than ten courses on advanced level. In addition to this, we supervise and examine a number of master theses every year.

Research in Production Economics

Production Economics is an interdisciplinary engineering subject, which covers management of resources within various business types. The research at the division is focused on the problems in the cross-section between management and engineering, which results in research that applies mathematical methods from engineering science to management problems. The research covers problems at both a strategic, a tactical and an operational level.




Weihua Liu, Yuenan Cao, Hing Kai Chan, Ming K. Lim, Ou Tang, Yang He (2025) Examining the Impact of Green Technology Application on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study Utilizing With the Meta-SEM Method Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 46, Article e70003 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anton Zackrisson, Albin Engholm, Ou Tang (2025) Data-driven analysis of strategic-operational interfaces in freight electrification under deep uncertainty Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 139, Article 104524 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Olha Bodnar, Taras Bodnar (2025) Birge ratio method for modeling dark uncertainty in multivariate meta-analyses and inter-laboratory studies Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 205, Article 105376 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Taras Bodnar, Stepan Mazur, Hoang Nguyen (2024) Estimation of Optimal Portfolio Compositions for Small Sample and Singular Covariance Matrix Advanced Statistical Methods in Process Monitoring, Finance, and Environmental Science: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schmid, p. 259-278 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Taras Bodnar, Dmitry Otryakhin, Erik Thorsen (2024) Estimation of the multivariate symmetric stable distribution using the method of moments Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research group


