
Patric Ljung

Associate Professor

Research leader at Immersive Visualization


Patric Ljung received his M.S. degree in Information Technology from Linköping University in 2000 and the PhD degree (2006) in Scientific Visualization from the Department of Science and Technology (ITN) at Linköping University.

Prior to his M.S. studies, 1989-1995, he worked with software engineering for technical and high availability systems in the industry. After his PhD, 2007-2013, he worked as research scientist and project manager at Siemens Corporation, Corporate Research, in Princeton, N.J., U.S.A., where his work included medical visualization tools and rigorous quality management. He had the role as technical lead for several R&D projects. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed academic papers and contributed with seven patents. A complete list of publications and patents can be found at Google Scholar.

Dr. Ljung joined the Media and Information Technology (MIT) division in October 2013 and holds a faculty position as senior lecturer and is the head of the immersive visualization group. He is also a former director of C-research, a center that coordinates research in visualization and the use of visualization in research with Norrköping Visualization Center C, of which C-research is a member and there represents Linköping University.

Research Interests

His main research interest is large-scale visualization technologies, software design, and software architectures for visualization and visual analytics. He has worked extensively with direct volume rendering and transfer function design.

His current research projects involve system architectures for visualization and management of heterogeneous data, provenance and persistence of (scientific) data, and unification of transfer functions for direct volume rendering.



Lonni Besançon, Konrad Schönborn, Erik Sundén, He Yin, Samuel Rising, Peter Westerdahl, Patric Ljung, Josef Wideström, Charles Hansen, Anders Ynnerman (2022) Exploring and Explaining Climate Change: Exploranation as a Visualization Pedagogy for Societal Action


Ali Samini, Patric Ljung (2021) Immersive Visual Interaction with Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Systems PROCEEDINGS OF 27TH ACM SYMPOSIUM ON VIRTUAL REALITY SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGY, VRST 2021, Article 80 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Anders Ynnerman, Patric Ljung, Anders Persson, Daniel Jönsson (2021) Multi-Touch Surfaces and Patient-Specific Data Digital Anatomy: Applications of Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality, p. 223-242 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Ali Samini, Karljohan Lundin Palmerius, Patric Ljung (2021) A Review of Current, Complete Augmented Reality Solutions 2021 International Conference On Cyberworlds (Cw 2021), p. 49-56 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Martin Falk, Patric Ljung, Claes Lundström, Anders Ynnerman, Ingrid Hotz (2020) Feature Exploration using Local Frequency Distributions in Computed Tomography Data VCBM 2020: Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, p. 13-24 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI




Lonni Besançon, Konrad Schönborn, Erik Sundén, He Yin, Samuel Rising, Peter Westerdahl, Patric Ljung, Josef Wideström, Charles Hansen, Anders Ynnerman (2022) Exploring and Explaining Climate Change: Exploranation as a Visualization Pedagogy for Societal Action


Ali Samini, Patric Ljung (2021) Immersive Visual Interaction with Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Systems PROCEEDINGS OF 27TH ACM SYMPOSIUM ON VIRTUAL REALITY SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGY, VRST 2021, Article 80 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Anders Ynnerman, Patric Ljung, Anders Persson, Daniel Jönsson (2021) Multi-Touch Surfaces and Patient-Specific Data Digital Anatomy: Applications of Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality, p. 223-242 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Ali Samini, Karljohan Lundin Palmerius, Patric Ljung (2021) A Review of Current, Complete Augmented Reality Solutions 2021 International Conference On Cyberworlds (Cw 2021), p. 49-56 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Martin Falk, Patric Ljung, Claes Lundström, Anders Ynnerman, Ingrid Hotz (2020) Feature Exploration using Local Frequency Distributions in Computed Tomography Data VCBM 2020: Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, p. 13-24 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Guido Reina, Hank Childs, Kresimir Matkovic, Katja Buehler, Manuela Waldner, David Pugmire, Barbora Kozlikova, Timo Ropinski, Patric Ljung, Takayuki Itoh, Eduard Groeller, Michael Krone (2020) The moving target of visualization software for an increasingly complex world Computers & graphics, Vol. 87, p. 12-29 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Kalle Bladin, Emil Axelsson, Erik Broberg, Carter Emmart, Patric Ljung, Alexander Bock, Anders Ynnerman (2018) Globe Browsing: Contextualized Spatio-Temporal Planetary Surface Visualization IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 24, p. 802-811 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Martin Falk, Ingrid Hotz, Patric Ljung, Darren Treanor, Anders Ynnerman, Claes Lundström (2017) Transfer Function Design Toolbox for Full-Color Volume Datasets 2017 IEEE PACIFIC VISUALIZATION SYMPOSIUM (PACIFICVIS), IEEE, p. 171-179 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Anders Ynnerman, Thomas Rydell, Daniel Antoine, David Hughes, Anders Persson, Patric Ljung (2016) Interactive Visualization of 3D Scanned Mummies at Public Venues Communications of the ACM, Vol. 59, p. 72-81 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Patric Ljung, Jens Krueger, Eduard Groeller, Markus Hadwiger, Charles D. Hansen, Anders Ynnerman (2016) State of the Art in Transfer Functions for Direct Volume Rendering Computer graphics forum (Print), Vol. 35, p. 669-691 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anders Ynnerman, Thomas Rydell, Anders Persson, Aron Ernvik, Camilla Forsell, Patric Ljung, Claes Lundström (2015) Multi-Touch Table System for Medical Visualization Eurographics 2015: Dirk Bartz Prize (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Bruce A McDermott, Mervin Mencias Smith-Casem, Patric Ljung, Stefan Wiesner (2013) Animation for conveying spatial relationships in three-dimensional medical imaging
Seshadri Srinivasan, Patric Ljung, Bruce A McDermott, Merv Mencias Smith-Casem (2013) Adaptive volume rendering for ultrasound color flow diagnostic imaging


Aron Ernvik, Staffan Bergström, Claes Lundström, Patric Ljung, Anders Ynnerman (2012) Image data set compression based on viewing parameters for storing medical image data from multidimensional data sets, related systems, methods and computer products


Mervin Smith-Casem, Patric Ljung, Guillaume Stordeur, Jian-Hua Mo, Bruce Mcdermott (2011) Three-Dimensional Reconstruction for Irregular Ultrasound Sampling Grids
Claes Lundström, Anders Ynnerman, Patric Ljung (2011) Method for reducing the amount of data to be processed in a visualization pipeline
Patric Ljung, Anders Ynnerman (2011) Computer processing of multi-dimensional data


Claes Lundström, Patric Ljung, Anders Ynnerman (2010) Systems for visualizing images using explicit quality prioritization of a feature (s) in multidimensional image data sets, related methods and computer products
Stefan Lindholm, Patric Ljung, Claes Lundström, Anders Persson, Anders Ynnerman (2010) Spatial Conditioning of Transfer Functions Using Local Material Distributions IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Vol. 16, p. 1301-1310 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Christoph Russ, Christoph Kubisch, Feng Qiu, Wei Hong, Patric Ljung (2010) Real-time Surface Analysis and Tagged Material Cleansing for Virtual Colonoscopy. Volume Graphics, p. 29-36 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI