Photo of Rickard Armiento

Rickard Armiento

Associate Professor, Head of Unit, Docent

Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Physical Modelling and head of the Materials Design and Informatics unit at Theoretical Physics. I research computation and AI-based methods like machine learning to understand and develop new materials.

Researcher networks and external publication lists



Joel Davidsson, William Stenlund, Abhijith S Parackal, Rickard Armiento, Igor Abrikosov (2024) Na in diamond: high spin defects revealed by the ADAQ high-throughput computational database npj Computational Materials, Vol. 10, Article 109 Continue to DOI
Patrick Lambrix, Rickard Armiento, Huanyu Li, Olaf Hartig, Mina Abd Nikooie Pour, Ying Li (2024) The materials design ontology Semantic Web, Vol. 15, p. 481-515 Continue to DOI
Huanyu Li, Olaf Hartig, Rickard Armiento, Patrick Lambrix (2024) Ontology-based GraphQL server generation for data access and data integration Semantic Web, p. 1-37 Continue to DOI


Oscar Bulancea Lindvall, Joel Davidsson, Rickard Armiento, Igor Abrikosov (2023) Chlorine vacancy in 4H-SiC: An NV-like defect with telecom-wavelength emission Physical Review B, Vol. 108, Article 224106 Continue to DOI
Huanyu Li, Olaf Hartig, Rickard Armiento, Patrick Lambrix (2023) OBG-gen: Ontology-Based GraphQL Server Generation for Data Integration Proceedings of the ISWC 2023 Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice: co-located with 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2023)


Workshop: OMDI 2021

