Photo of Robert Aman

Robert Aman

Senior Associate Professor

Robert Aman is Associate Professor in Education. He received his Ph.D. from Linköping University (2014) and has been a Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Glasgow (2015-2017), and a visiting research fellow at Duke University (2010), University of Oxford (2013), Sciences Po Paris (2015), and Ghent University (2021).

His publications include the books Impossible Interculturality?: Education and the Colonial Difference in a Multicultural World (Linköping University Press, 2014), Decolonising Intercultural Education: Colonial Difference, the Geopolitics of Knowledge, and Inter-Epistemic Dialogue (Routledge, 2017), Educational Alternatives in Latin America: New Modes of Counter-Hegemonic Learning (with Timothy Ireland) (Palgrave, 2019), The Phantom Comics and the New Left: a Socialist Superhero (Palgrave, 2020), Teaching with Comics: Empirical, Analytical, and Professional Experiences (with Lars Wallner) (Palgrave, 2022), and När Fantomen blev svensk: nationella självbilder i trikå (Daidalos, 2022).

Aman’s research is multidisciplinary with a base in critical cultural theory. He has published several articles on interculturality and intercultural education, indigenous movements in Latin America, multiculturalism, epistemic racism, and migration. His most recent work explores ideology in Swedish comic books from the 1970s and how the mainstream comic book scene at the time was infused with New Left ideology. Moreover, he has contributed several articles on the link between colonialism and categories of representation in American, Franco-Belgian, and Swedish comics. Currently, he’s investigating the ways in which comics can be used to facilitate norm-critical discussions in school classrooms. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council.


Research project

