
Robin Skånberg


¡Hola! I am a PhD student in the field of scientific visualization. My main research focus is developing techniques to visualize molecules. The molecular datasets can originate from simulations, x-ray crystallography or even be procedurally generated on the fly.

I received my master's degree in media technology in 2015 and after spending a year at Ulm university in Germany where I started as a PhD Student, I moved back to Sweden where I have been employed as a PhD Student in the group for Scientific Visualization at Media and Information Technology since 2016.

Software development is an intricate part of our daily work as we need to implement our ideas in order to validate them. While I personally have a soft spot for compiled languages such as C and C++, as C++ progress and grows in complexity I seem to have a tendency to regress (common pattern among middle-aged men) towards the simplicity of C.



Robin Skånberg (2025) VIAMD: Catering to the Interactive Experience in Molecular Dynamics Analysis


Mathis Brossier, Robin Skånberg, Lonni Besançon, Mathieu Linares, Tobias Isenberg, Anders Ynnerman, Alexander Bock (2023) Moliverse: Contextually embedding the microcosm into the universe Computers & graphics, Vol. 112, p. 22-30 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Robin Skånberg, Ingrid Hotz, Anders Ynnerman, Mathieu Linares (2023) VIAMD: a Software for Visual Interactive Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Vol. 63, p. 7382-7391 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Robin Skånberg, Martin Falk, Mathieu Linares, Anders Ynnerman, Ingrid Hotz (2022) Tracking Internal Frames of Reference for Consistent Molecular Distribution Functions IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 28, p. 3126-3137 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Jochen Jankowai, Robin Skånberg, Daniel Jönsson, Anders Ynnerman, Ingrid Hotz (2020) Tensor volume exploration using attribute space representatives

