My aim is to explore and conceptualize how parenthood is negotiated and constructed by parents of foreign background perceived as Muslims through strategies of ‘migrant-respectability i.e. being a good citizen and following the Swedish model of parenthood when they access family centers in Sweden.

Rudeina Mkdad
PhD student
My PhD project is about the experiences of families with migrant background In Muslim majority countries when they access family centers in Sweden. I am teaching ethnic and migration on basic and advanced levels.
Navigating "Respectability"
My PhD project is: Navigating ‘Respectability’. The Relationship to the Family Center in Sweden for Parents from Muslim-Majority Countries.
Projects and networking
"Migration and movement" - an art project
I am the project manager for "På flykt och i rörelse" ("Migration and movement"), a project where young people are invited to create art together based on stories about migration.The project is a collaboration between Linköping University (REMESO), Sensus Studieförbund and Svenska kyrkan Norrköping. The participants are students from LiU and persons with experience of migration. It will be carried out in the spring of 2022 and will be presented in the form of an art exhibition at Norrköping City Library.
Workshop for master students
I am also interested in questions related to the role of civil society in helping refugees at a time when the right-wing discourses and politics are on the rise and gaining momentum. I arrange a yearly workshop where different NGOs engaged in helping refugees and competing discrimination and racism, present their current projects and the challenges, they meet for the Ethnic and Migration Studies master students.
I am a member of the board for the association Föreningen för gästfrihet i Norrköping.
<p>Teaching on basic and advanced levels.</p>
I am the course director for internship for the master students in Ethnic and Migration Studies. I assist students with finding internships that can offer a way to reflect on how theoretical knowledge may be converted into practice. Students in the course develop skills, competences, and tools to professionally handle demands and challenges at workplaces and in organisations in their area of interest and studies. I also teach in other Ethnic and Migration courses as well as in the Bachelor's program in Social work. I am also a guest teacher in the Bachelor's programme in Social and Cultural Analysis.